This information is deprecated. It has been moved to the REFEDS Schema Board wiki:
Welcome to the Internet2 MACE-Directories Working Group wiki
As of November 2018, the MACE Directories Working group is "sunsetted" with the eduPerson function moved to REFEDs.
See the Sunset planning document here.
To sign up for the REFEDs email list handling schema issues:
The MACE-Directories working group looked at how to describe common identity information for campus and federated relationships.
To obtain editing access to this space (working group members only), see instructions here.
The MACE-Directories email list will be closed sometime in the future with the sunsetting of this working group
Group Chairs: Keith Hazelton, University of Wisconsin and David Bantz, University of Alaska
eduPerson Specification 201602 ApprovedThe eduPersonOrcid attribute is included in the eduPerson specification (201602) See:
Activities prior to the sunsetting of the MACE-Dir Working Group
- As of Summer 2018, work is ongoing around sunsetting the MACE-Directories Working Group, eduPerson schema stewardship likely moving to REFEDs. See draft plan.
- LDIFS for eduperson: OpenLDAP and AD (reminder to keep this page updated)
- OIDCre draft: Conveying eduPerson and SCHAC Attributes as JSON Web Token (JWT) Claims
- Closer collaboration on schema development with international partners
- Representation of Grouper objects such as roles and privileges in SAML Assertions and repositories (registries and directories)
- FAQ on eduPerson (Draft complete, thanks to all the contributors, work to enhance this FAQ will be ongoing)
- Corrections and edits for the next release of eduPerson
- Guidance on case sensitivity of identifiers
- eduPerson/eduOrg LDIFs
- Draft: eduPersonAssurance
- Topic List - View items that the Working Group was considering in 2007
- Migrations from Sun DS and-or Sun IAM
- Practices in Directory Groups from 2002
Archive of older work items
- eduPerson (201602)
- eduPerson (201310)
eduPerson (201203)- Officially published 23 April 2012
- ORCID: scholarly identity schema crafting
- eduCourse Role Definitions from IMS
- eduPersonAffiliation: Revised definition
- DRAFT: LDAP representations of Membership in Groups (201108)
- Social-to-SAML Identifiers for Social IdP organizations and usernames for their clients
- excerpt from LDAP RFC 2251 on attributes and attribute options
- Simple Cloud Identity Management-SCIM
- Non-Authoritative Sources Survey
- Working Group Meetings
- Work Items List
- MACE-Dir website
- **MACE-Dir WG Documents & Presentations - for items you can't find elsewhere!
- Working doc on OIDs and URNs for TIER, Aug 2016
- For history buffs, here is an old charter for the edu-person working group.
- Process for Assigning URNs and OIDs
- Trust and Identity Working Groups List