MACE-Dir Working Group at 2012 FMM
Monday, Oct 1, 2012
8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Location: Freedom E
Proposed Agenda
- Welcome - David Bantz and Keith Hazelton
- Intellectual Property Reminder -
- Agenda Bash
- InC-UserIdentifier survey
- eduPerson (201210) review
- Persistent URL for latest edu* specifications
- Attribute authority issues - including use cases
- Future MACE-Dir topics
- Pitch Upcoming Sessions at FMM
- "Grouper After Groups - Enabling Net+ Services with PAP, PEP, and PDP, Oh My!" ( Bill Thompson preview, session is Wed. at 4:30pm )
- "IAM Soluctions for the Community from the Community: CIFER and Friends" (Keith preview, session is Thurs. at 10:30am)
- MACE-Paccman WG Session, 10:30 - 11:30 am Monday, Oct. 1, same location as MACE-Dir WG session
- COmanage update
- Questions / Comments