Call Monday 7 February 2011 11:00 am EST
*New Action Items*
[AI (All) Volunteers for working on surveys about managing people entries, attributes, and affiliations from non-authoritative sources, please edit the working draft in the wiki
[AI (Scott; DONE) will further refine the proposed EPTID text and resend to the mailing list.
*Carryover Action Items*
AI (Tom Scavo) will explain the concerns about audience scope in EPTID in an email to the MACE-Dir list.
AI (Tom Scavo) will explain the concerns about audience scope in EPTID in an email to the MACE-Dir list.
AI (RL "Bob") will query the REFEDs list about whether identifier reassignability is an issue for them esp. in grid environments.
AI (Keith) will summarize and propose a near-term solution to the identifier reassignability issue
AI (Keith) will draft some text to provide guidance to users about the utility of eduPerson in federated scenarios, for use on the eduPerson web page.
AI (Keith and Chad) will take a first pass at revving in the wiki, then run it by the group for comment, with the goal of perhaps finalizing it on the next call in 4 weeks.
AI (All) Volunteers for working on surveys about managing people entries, attributes, and affiliations from non-authoritative sources, contact David Bantz (db AT alaska DOT edu) and SteveO (steveo AT internet2 DOT edu).
AI (Brendan) will poll the mailing list for feedback on the use of name fields, and whether they have had the need to extend eduPerson locally with additional name fields.
0. Administration
- Roll call
- agenda bash
- Approve minutes from the 24 January MACE-Dir call (distributed by Emily Eisbruch same day)
- Action item review
1. MACE-Dir thread "refs to mace-dir saml attr profiles doc"
2. Thread "Proposed eduPersonTargetedID text changes" messages dated 29-Jan & 3-Feb (latter w full text)
- Review Scott Cantor's V3 version
- Current state of the identifier discussion and apparent consensus
3. Thread "Persistent identifiers in education"
4. Soliciting content for "Identifier User Cases with Solutions"
5. Thread "Attributes for appointments, term data, courses, etc."
97. Write-in agenda items
98. Review new action items
99. Next two calls:
In two weeks: Feb 21, 2011 at 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (0000 UTC/GMT);
In four weeks: March 7, 2011 at 11:00 am Eastern Standard Time (1600 UTC/GMT)
Call Monday 24 January 2011 5:00 pm EST
(0000 UTC/GMT,
0900 Tues. in Sydney; 0800 Tues. in Brisbane;
0700 Tues. in Tokyo; 0600 Tues. in Beijing)
NOTE ==> The agenda and supplemental information for this meeting can be found at:
*New Action Items*
[AI] (Tom Scavo) will explain the concerns about audience scope in EPTID in an email to the MACE-Dir list.
*Carryover Action Items*
[AI] (RL "Bob") will query the REFEDs list about whether identifier reassignability is an issue for them esp. in grid environments.
[AI] (Keith) will summarize and propose a near-term solution to the identifier reassignability issue
[AI] (Keith) will draft some text to provide guidance to users about the utility of eduPerson in federated scenarios, for use on the eduPerson web page.
[AI] (Keith and Chad) will take a first pass at revving in the wiki, then run it by the group for comment, with the goal of perhaps finalizing it on the next call in 4 weeks.
[A] (All) Volunteers for working on surveys about managing people entries, attributes, and affiliations from non-authoritative sources, contact David Bantz ( and SteveO (
[AI] (RL "Bob") will craft a survey on use of the mail attribute and possible need for additional email attributes. This surfaced again at the recent TF-EMC2 meeting, in the context of a campus IdP serving Grid apps. E.g. what are RPs assuming?
[AI] (Brendan) will poll the mailing list for feedback on the use of name fields, and whether they have had the need to extend eduPerson locally with additional name fields.
0. Administration
- Roll call
- Internet2 IPR Policy
- Agenda bash
- Approve minutes from the 10 January MACE-Dir call (distributed by Steve Olshansky same day)
- Action item review
NOTE ==> The agenda and supplemental information for this meeting can be found at:
1. MACE-Dir thread "Persistent identifiers in education"
2. Thread "Proposed eduPersonTargetedID text changes"
3. Thread "Attributes for appointments, term data, courses, etc."
4. Soliciting content for "Identifier User Cases with Solutions"
97. Write-in agenda items
98. Review new action items
99. Next two calls:
In two weeks: February 7, 2011 at 11:00 am Eastern Standard Time (1600 UTC/GMT)
In four weeks: Feb 21, 2011 at 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (0000 UTC/GMT);