- Roll Call (by time zone - East to West)
- Scribe Shout-out - It's easy to scribe:
- Agenda Bash
- Mentoring Program & Pair/Triad Report Out - Beth Schafer
- Itana Org Updates
- Working Group Updates
- API Working Group
- Business Architecture Working Group
- EA Maturity Model
- ? New to EA in HE Working Group
- Book club update - How to Measure Anything (Rupert Berk)
- Steering Committee Update
Announcements - Itana News, Working Group Report out
- Note that the slides have been uploaded and details about future calls are available on the 2018-2019 Itana Program page in the Itana wiki.
- Book Club: Currently 8 people that are interested in the book "How to Measure Anything" - contact Rupert ( if you are interested in joining the book club
- Rupert will be sending out a poll to find good meetings times
- API Working Group:
- Very successful group; great leadership over the past 3 years
- EA Maturity Model: reviewing in the new year to determine any needed changes; after celebrating the good work that has been done
- encouraging everyone to complete the activity as many have found it valuable already
- New to EA in HE Working Group
- Betsy: Idea: a rotating host who provides guidance to help spread out the work of addressing responses in a timely fashion and kickstarting the conversation
- Would this happen on a bi-weekly basis, or what would this entail?
- Jim: Idea to put those who desire to know more about the space (those "newbies") to actually do the driving for this group
- Louis: May need to think about additional scaffolding; to provide additional footholds; EAMM might show a pathway, but the entry point is not entirely clear
- Jim: EAMM, Architectural Leadership and Architectural Methods provide the foundation of rich resources to help new architects out
- Jim: "For Newbies, by Newbies"
Mentoring Program & Pair/Triad Report Out - Beth Schafer
- Appreciation for those groups that contributed (multiple CG Leaders)
- Participants included Chris Eagle, Matt House, Dana P. Miller, Dan Brubaker Horst
- Resources:
- What did participants hope to get out of this pilot:
- Dana: Looking for someone in a similar role, with similar struggles, but with objectivity by being outside, for more honest conversations
- Matt: Similar to Dana, wanted to have conversations around issues experienced, but also "what should EA be in our environment" from someone else's outside perspective
- Pilot Goals:
- Mentoring benefits (increasing network, outside objectivity)
- Introductions to Community Groups in EDUCAUSE
- How this relates to other EDUCAUSE mentoring groups
- Timeline: Aggressive; started in June
- Pairs and a few triads (groups of 3) met online/virtually to keep momentum and give feedback
- Those who could attended an event at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference
- What does peer mentoring mean to those participants?
- Chris: Typically mentoring is senior/junior pairs, but here its about folks working as peers; working on things together that are valuable to both sides.
- Different from coaching
- Phases of the relationship
- Identifying potential goals
- Negotiating on goals and outcomes
- Facilitating the plan and developing the relationship
- Graduating will wrap up the relationship (only formally)
- Participant expectations
- Goal Setting - what kinds of goals are you hopeful your mentor might aid you in accomplishing?
- Dana: Timing aligned for Dan and Dana to focus on developing annual goals
- Chris: The overall goal with Matt was to use the EA Maturity Model to review the state of EA at their institutions
- Used the SMART framework for goal setting
- What were the most valuable insights? What would you do differently? What else do you plan to change as you move forward?
- Dana: Goal setting can feel like a terrible, painful exercise but it's very important to have them, and to think about linking them to the goals of the institution, and still meaningful to the individual. Putting more effort into them to get more value out of the goals.
- Chris: Peer mentoring provides for serendipity, including a paper Matt wrote called a "Career in Organized Anarchy" which will be discussed at a future date in an Itana call. Chris has shared it within his community and has seen the impact. This outcome was very unexpected, and the payoff was tremendous.
- Matt: Clicked very well with Chris, and then they were able to focus on this serendipitous topic to the benefit of both.
- Thanks to Matt, Dana and Chris for being willing to share their personal mentoring stories and relationships with this group.
- Lots of the tools we use from this group are not super easy to translate or adopt locally, and having others to bounce ideas off can be a huge help.
- We don't have a lot of EA folks around our own institutions, so having Itana and this peer mentoring specifically has been incredibly helpful.
- What is the plan going forward to do peer mentoring again in the future?
- Beth: EDUCAUSE will be continuing this, as it is considered to be quite a success.
- Planning to start up with a new cohort in 2019.