Congratulations on joining the InCommon Federation. This guide offers an orientation of the InCommon Federation: things to know, and actions to take next to make the most of your participation in InCommon. Find the statements you identify with. Under each, you'll find further readings and resources to help guide you through your journey.I am new to identity federation and/or to the research and education community...
Research and Education is a massive global community with complex, nuanced, and unique identity and access needs. The InCommon Federation is designed to fulfill these needs. The Understanding Federation in Research in Education guide provides important context to why InCommon works the way it does.
I am responsible for the identity and access management infrastructure of my institution...
You are likely looking for information on how to register an identity provider in InCommon. The Enable User Access to Federated Resources guide offers key starting steps, including suggestions on how to select the right IdP solution for your organization.
I would like to offer a content or collaboration resource service to InCommon-participating organizations...
The Register a Resource in InCommon guide is your starting point as a service provider operator in InCommon.
My Organization has not yet joined InCommon...
If you are looking for information on how to join InCommon, please visit Joining the InCommon Federation.