See Also: Writing Registry Plugins and Registry Person Vetting

The interface for Vetter Plugins is experimental and may change across minor releases.

Some additional conventions are required when writing a Dashboard Widget Plugin.

  1. The name of the Plugin should match the format FooVetter.
  2. The Plugin must implement a FooVetters model and a corresponding Controller.
    1. The Controller should extend StandardPluginController, which provides some behind the scenes common functionality.
    2. When a new Vetting Step is instantiated, a skeletal row in the corresponding foo_vetters table will be created. There is no add operation or view required. The skeletal row will point to the parent Vetting Step.
    3. The entry point to the Vetter Plugin configuration will be foo_vetter/foo_vetters/edit/#. This will be called immediately after the Plugin is first instantiated.
  3. The table cm_foo_vetters should include a foreign key to cm_vetting_steps:id.
  4. The plugin must implement FooVetter::vet($vettingStepId, $coPersonId, $coPetitionId=null), which will be called to perform the vetting. This function will be called from Registry Job Shell (via VetJob), and so should be able to operate without user interaction.
    1. This function should return an array with three elements:
      1. result: A VettingStatusEnum. See Vetting Results, below.
      2. comment: A human readable comment describing the results.
      3. raw: A text blob representing the actual vetting response generated/received, if appropriate. For example, this might be the full JSON returned from a remote API.
  5. The plugin should implement a view for review, ie foo_vetter/foo_vetters/review/#. This view should parse the Vetting Result (available in $vv_result) and render a display suitable for an administrator to understand the request status. The Vetting Step configuration will be available in $foo_vetter. (The controller function is implemented in StandardPluginController, only the view file itself is required.)

Vetting Data Elements

It is up to the Plugin to determine which elements of the CO Person record to use for vetting, and how to use them.

Vetting Results

The vet() call should return a VettingStatusEnum as follows:

  • Canceled: The request was canceled by an administrator.
  • Error: An error occurred during vetting and no result could be determined.
  • Failed: The subject failed vetting.
  • Passed: The subject passed vetting.
  • PendingManual: The request requires administrator review. This result will cause Registry to send a notification to an administrator to take further action. If the system called by the Plugin will handle administrator review, PendingResult should be returned instead.
  • PendingResult: The request is pending on further action. This result will cause Registry to stop processing the request. In order to resume processing, the Plugin should take the following steps:
    1. Call VettingStep::resolve() with the appropriate results.
    2. Call VettingRequest::queue() with $requeue=true. Processing will resume (or complete) at the next run of VetJob.
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