Configuring Vetting Steps
Vetting Steps are configured via CO > Configuration > Vetting Steps with the following settings:
- Plugin: The plugin that implements the Vetting Step. The same plugin can be instantiated in multiple Vetting Steps.
- Require Manual Review on Result: Plugins return status, as described below. Ordinarily, manual review is only required when the plugin returns Pending Manual Resolution, however it is possible to override this behavior using this configuration. If set to Failed, manual review is required when the plugin returns Pending Manual Resolution or Failed. If set to Passed, manual review is always required (except on error).
- Order: The order in which the Vetting Steps are run. Steps are run starting with the lowest number (eg: 1), allowing certain Steps to run only if preceding steps succeed.
Vetting Requests
Manual Vetting
A Vetting Request may be registered for a specific CO Person via the CO Person record, by selecting Vetting Requests from the side menu, and then Register Vetting Request. Only one Vetting Request for a CO Person may be registered at a time. Any previous Request must be completed or canceled before a new Request can be registered.
Registering a Vetting Request queues a Job to process the request, as described below.
Manual Vetting does not currently result in automatic changes to the CO Person status. For example, a Failed result will not suspend or lock the CO Person record. This behavior is subject to change in a future release.
Processing Vetting Requests
Vetting Requests are processed asynchronously via VetJob. Vetting Steps are processed one at a time, in order, and may return the following statuses:
- Passed: The subject has passed this Vetting Step, and the next Vetting Step is run. If there are no further Steps to run, the subject has passed vetting.
- Failed: The subject has failed this Vetting Step. The subject has failed vetting, and the overall Vetting Request terminates.
- Pending Manual Review: The Plugin was unable to successfully complete Vetting, and administrator review is required. Once this review is completed, processing will continue as appropriate for Passed or Failed.
- If a Plugin returns this result, a notification will be sent to the Vetting Group configured for the Vetting Step (if set) or to the CO Administrators (if no Vetting Group is set).
- Pending Result: The Plugin is awaiting further processing from some sort of asynchronous process. Processing will resume when the result is received.
Vetting via Enrollment Flows
Vetting Requests can be created as part of an Enrollment Flow by ticking Request Vetting in the Enrollment Flow configuration. The Vetting Request is registered after all Petitioner and Enrollee steps are completed, but before Approval. Note that Require Approval For Enrollment must be set for Vetting to take place, since the Approval step is how the Enrollment Flow is re-entered after the Vetting Request has been processed.
The Petition will remain in Pending Vetting status until the Vetting Request has completed. If Vetting fails, the Petition is automatically denied.
If a Vetting Request associated with a Petition is canceled, the Petition will remain in Pending Vetting status until manual intervention.
Viewing Vetting Requests
Vetting Requests may be viewed via the CO Person record, or via People > Vetting Requests.
CO Administrators can view and resolve any Vetting Steps (Pending Manual Review) within the CO. Members of any Vetting Group associated with any Vetting Step may view all Vetting Requests (and all Vetting Steps within those Requests), but a Vetting Step can only be resolved by members of the Vetting Group associated with that Step.
Extending with Plugins
The type and nature of provisioners used with the Registry can be extended through Plugins.
Vetter Plugin Library
There are several plugins that are already available for your use:
Dictionary Vetter Plugin — The Dictionary Vetter Plugin performs Registry Person Vetting by comparing CO Person attributes against Dictionary values.
Visual Compliance Vetter Plugin — The Dictionary Vetter Plugin performs Registry Person Vetting by submitting selected CO Person attributes via Descartes Visual Compliance's Restricted Party Screening API.
Creating your own plugins
You can build your own authenticator plugin to extend Registry functionality. Please see the following documentation to get started:
Writing Registry Plugins - general documentation for building plugins.
Vetter Plugins - additional documentation for building vetter type plugins.