Draft Minutes: ITANA Call 12-Sept-2013
Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin - Madison (chair)
Andrew Gianni, University of Buffalo
Glenn Donaldson, The Ohio State University
Chris Eagle, U. Michigan
Kasia Azzara, Columbia U,
Chris Riedel, U. Chicago
Lonnie Smetana, U. of Manitoba
Rich Stevenson, University of Maryland University College
Christian Johansen. Penn State
Arin Komins, University of Chicago
Marina Arseniev, UC Irvine
George Kroner (UMUC)
Michael Janke, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Mojgan Amini, UCSD
Ashish Pandit UCSD
ITANA Website: http://itana.org/
ITANA Wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Home
Learning and Teaching SubGroup https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Learning+Working+Group
Rich Stevenson reported that the Learning and Teaching SubGroup continues to move forward on their work products, including cleaning up the data model and working on the capability maps and heat maps.
They have talked with Jack Suess, VP and CIO at UMBC, and Chair of the InCommon Steering Committee, who is working with industry groups on a reference architecture for teaching and learning. Leo and Rich will attend InCommon identity week in November and will report back to this group. http://www.incommon.org/idweek/
Face2Face 2013, (un)Conference at EDUCAUSE
Jim reported on the plans for ITANA at EDUCAUSE 2013
Tuesday, Oct. 15 8AM to 4PM (Seminar 07F)
Theme: The Value of Enterprise Architecture
The morning panel:
-Klara Jelinkova, Associate Vice President and CIO, University of Chicago
-Ron Kraemer, Vice President and CIO, University of Notre Dame
-John Gohsman, Vice Chancellor and CIO, Washington University
-Jeffery Shokler, Assistant Director for Technology and Assessment, Office of Undergraduate Advising, UW-Madison
Afternoon consists of case studies
Please submit your case studies
Just a 10-15 minute talk about something that might be interesting in the EA space.
Does not need to be ground breaking.
Constituent Group meeting, Thurs. Oct 17 at 1:30pm http://www.educause.edu/annual-conference/2013/it-architects-constituent-group
ITANA UnConference will be on Thursday, Oct. 17, 4:30-6:30pm http://www.educause.edu/annual-conference/2013/itana-unconference-2013
EDUCAUSE Registration is now open:
The PreConference Seminar (07F) has a separate registration.
SOA / API Management Working Groups Spin-Up Discussion
There was an active call on this topic two weeks ago. On today's call, hope to frame the subgroups to work on these topics.
Six organizations have started to fill out the SOA API Start-Up Survey https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/SOA+API+Start-Up+Survey
Jim has set up an email for the API working groups. Contact Jim to get added to this list.
Suggestion to spin up these subgroups
-Overarching subgroup
-WS02 subgroup
-ODS subgroup
-Workday subgroup?
Over-Arching Group
Jim Phelps, lead
Potential Topics:
-How did you select your ESB software?
-How are you using your ESB?
-Sharing Design Documents and Patterns
-Sharing business cases and use cases used to make the case for investment
-Are folks planning on single instance of an ESB or Federated so other Departments/Colleges can have their own?
-Who locally (within the University) manages/administers the ESB and other aligned software/services.
-Best practices on integration between ESB and ETL.
-What about changing out the infrastructure? What should I plan ahead for if I think we are going to change out our ESB?
-What are the design concerns you should consider if you want to make the infrastructure swappable?
-What about cloud deployment of the infrastructure either IaaS or Amazon WS/ EC3?
WS02 Sub-Group
Jon Terrones, UW. - Madison, will lead this group
Interested in participating:
-U. Michigan
-U. Chicago
-U. Buffalo
-U. Madison
-Ohio State
Potential Topics:
-Why did you pick WS02? What else did you look at?
-WSO2 and a production support model.
-What are the core modules to be implemented?
-Plans around getting technical support (are you paying WS02 for it or using community support?)
-ODS subgroup
Potential Topics:
-Data Definition and API Design
-Best practices on integration between ESB and ETL.
-What higher education specific standard data models have you come across? IMS, EduPerson, etc.
-How are people leveraging open standards? Did any of the standards come out-of-the-box from the vendor source system
-Sharing design documents and patterns
-ODS read access via APIs, ODS data extraction via APIs, API access
authorization and data modeling.
Vendor Provided Mobile Development
For those using a vendor to prove a mobile solution for your campus, are you using:
Let Jim know if you would like to lead the workday subgroup or the ODS
Next ITANA Call: Thurs. Sept. 26, 2013