COmanage Match is a standalone Identity Matching solution based on the ID Match Strawman API. It can work with, but does not require the use of, COmanage Registry. This page describes the underlying structure and configuration of Match; reviews the properties and configuration of Matchgrids, the core element of Match; and serves as an orientation to the use of the COmanage Match web application.Installation, technical, and developer documentation can be accessed at the COmanage Match home page or the Match Technical Manual.

On this Page

1. COmanage Match Structure

COmanage Match is a standalone Identity Matching solution that can work with, but does not require the use of, COmanage Registry. Learn more about Identity Matching...

COmanage Match is a multi-tenant application. You could have multiple instances (Matchgrids) supported by the same COmanage Match installation.

2. COmanage Match Concepts

  • Matchgrid - Each tenant is called a Matchgrid. Most deployment models are likely to only need a single Matchgrid.
  • Attributes - A Matchgrid is configured with one or more Attributes, which are the data fields used for matching operations.
  • Match Rules - Matching operations are governed by Match Rules and Rule Attributes.
  • Match Sources (Systems of Record) - Inbound requests are grouped by System of Record as defined in the ID Match API.
  • Match Reference ID - Match uses a reference identifier identifier links items together - two records within the matchgrid will have the same reference identifier.

3. Access Permissions

3.1. Application Permissions

COmanage Match web application has a relatively simple permissions model with a limited number of user types. All users are set up by the Platform Administrator, the first of which is established during Match Installation.

See the user types and details about how to configure users on the Match Permissions reference page.

3.2. API Permissions

COmanage Match supports three types of API Users each with a different access scope. Platform Administrators may define API permissions for the overall platform, and API access to Matchgrids or Systems of Records may be set by the Platform or Matchgrid Administrator.

See the user types and details about how to configure API users on the Match API Users reference page. Also refer to the For Match Developers page for more details.

3.3. Web Interface for Setting/Managing Permissions

Screenshot of the list of configured user permissions.There are two ways to access the list of users that have access to your Matchgrids:

  1. Platform Menu: This method (shown above) is available only to Platform Administrators. Both Application and API permissions may be accessed by this method.
  2. Matchgrid Configuration Menu: This method is available to Platform and Matchgrid Administrators. Only API Permissions may be accessed by this method. See section 3.4 to the right of this page for more information about the Matchgrid configuration menu.

Regardless of the type of permissions that you are affecting, you may edit an existing permission by clicking the "edit" action of the permission that you want to edit. You may create a new permission by clicking the "Add New Permission" link above the table of permissions on the right side.

4. Working with Matchgrids

A Matchgrid is the core element of the matching system of COmanage Match.

4.1. Viewing Matchgrids

Screenshot of the list of records in a Matchgrid.Anyone who has permission to view a Matchgrid is able to see a list of Matchgrid records by clicking on the Display option in the menu on the left of an Open Matchgrid. From this display one may view, add, edit and delete Matchgrid records. See important details about affecting Matchgrid Records on the Manually Viewing and Editing Matchgrid Records page.

4.2. Building a Matchgrid

When Attributes are defined or updated, the Matchgrid must be built. This process sets up the COmanage Match database to enable match rules to be run. The "Build" function can be found on the Matchgrid Configuration page (see section 3.4 to the right of this page). Important details about building Matchgrids can be found on the Match Attributes page.

5. Configuring Matchgrids

5.1. Manage Matchgrids

Screenshot of the Matchgrid list page.Once established, Matchgrids may be managed by either the Platform or Matchgrid administrator. To manage Matchgrids you will follow the following steps:

  1. From the Platform menu, select "Matchgrids". This action will display a list of Matchgrids and allow you to edit and create them.

Please refer to the Matchgrids reference page for details.

5.2. Create Matchgrids

Screenshot of the Matchgrid list page.To create Matchgrids, you must be signed in as a Platform Administrator.  To create Matchgrids you will follow the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the screen to manage Matchgrids (see the section above)
  2. To the right and above the table of Matchgrids, click the "Add New Matchgrid" link to open a form where you will define your new Matchgrid.
  3. Fill in the form with the Matchgrid attributes and click the Save button to create a Matchgrid.

Screenshot of creating a matchgrid. and instructions on how to create a matchgrid.

Please refer to the Matchgrids reference page for important details about Matchgrid attributes including names, and the meanings of the status designations.

5.3.  Open Matchgrids

Screenshot of the Matchgrid selection page where you choose the one you want to work with.You may open a Matchgrid from Matchgrid Selection page in the web application that is accessed by clicking on the "COmanage Match" link in the breadcrumbs or page header. All active matchgrids that the signed in user may access will be displayed in this list.

To open a Matchgrid, click on its name.

5.4. Matchgrid Configuration

Screenshot of how to get to the Matchgrid settings.All Matchgrid configurations (including the Matchgrid Settings) can be found in the configuration menu of an open Matchgrid. The Configuration menu is available to either the Platform or Matchgrid administrators.

5.5. Establish Matchgrid Settings

Screenshot of the form to configure Matchgrid settings.By selecting "Matchgrid Settings" from a Matchgrid configuration menu one may set the method/format for the Match Reference ID and the email address of the person or group that should be notified when there are potential matches that need to be reviewed.

Please refer to the Matchgrids reference page for important details about Matchgrid settings. Also see the Resolving Potential Matches page for more details about notifications.

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