
Welcome to the NET+ Miro wiki. Miro is a digital whiteboard platform that enables teams of any size to design, build and innovate from anywhere and at anytime. Miro entered into the NET+ Service Evaluation process in May 2022 and an agreement was signed in May 2023. With the NET+ Miro agreement, you will have access to exclusive NET+ discount pricing and stronger agreement terms.

Email netplus@internet2.edu to request documentation to review or to start the procurement process.

Participate in our Subscriber Community

Email discussion list

Institutions participating in the NET+ Miro program may take advantage of our email discussion list to receive curated program updates and participate in other activities and events. 

Service Advisory Board (limited to subscribers to the NET+ Miro program)

The NET+ Miro Service Advisory Board will kick off upon sufficient addition of subscribers.

Community Resources

The Admin Deployment Guide will guide admins through the basic setup for a successful Miro Enterprise deployment. The guide includes best practices, recommended settings, and other setup tips and tricks. 

    • Miro Admin Onboarding Guide (similar content to the deployment guide, but in video form). The video will review how to:
      • Choose Miro instance team structure: single or multi-team setup and using projects to organize users and boards, admin levels to delegate responsibilities.
      • Set umbrella company and specific team permissions
      • Approve and install apps
      • Configure security settings and user provisioning flows 
  • Implementing Miro at your Institutions

This articles provides an overview on how to effectively implement Miro across your organization to increase awareness, excitement, and adoption.

Service Documentation and Resources

Accessibility: VPAT (available upon request)

Identity: Configuring your SSO

Information Security:

  • HECVAT (available upon request.)

Contract and Pricing: Email netplus@internet2.edu to request documentation to review or to start the procurement process

NET+ Miro Evaluation Participants (Leads)

  • Matthew Burgess , University of Virginia
  • Matthew D'Emilio, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Mike Marmon, University of California, San Francisco
  • Erfan Mojaddam, University of California, Berkeley
  • Joseph Vaughn, Harvey Mudd College
  • Alan Wolf, Harvard University
  • Lina Ochman, Miro (partner liaison)
  • Tara Gyenis, Internet2
  • Jenna Mallberg, Internet2 
  • Meredith Martinuzzi, Miro

Questions about the Program?

  • Email: Internet2 NET+ Program Manager, Jenna Mallberg -  jmallberg@internet2.edu
  • NET+ Miro is now available. Email netplus@internet2.edu to request documentation to review or to start the procurement process

Service and Program Posts and Recordings