1. Bring the customer agreement up to date with regards to the following:
    1. Accessibility
    2. GDPR
    3. Guides and Policies
  2. Publish and hold Quarterly Townhalls to meet the following needs:
    1. Making the board available to the community/participants
    2. Best practices and outcomes
    3. HE Summit at Knowledge
  3. Continue to expand the use of Institutional Profiles in the following ways:
    1. Update the attributes around the data collected
    2. Expand usage to other institutions
    3. Update existing profiles
    4. Continue to add functionality
  4. Provide guidance for mature platform users who are seeking to be closer to standard out of the box use for ServiceNow.

    1. Can we advocate for a service to allow customers to do this and what would that look like?


  1. Update Accessibility/GDPR language in the customer agreement
  2. Review and make updates to ServiceNow Institutional Profiles with regards to collaboration, community usage, and relevant data
  3. Identify and define areas in which the program can add more value to its members.  (eg. custom consulting, HE community environment, custom training)
  4. Identify and define opportunities, or potential opportunities, for subscribing institutions to grow within the platform.


  • Update the Master Ordering Agreement (MOA) with accessibility language that more closely meets ServiceNow's commitment to accessibility and the needs of the community.
  • Update the Agreement to address any missing security language needs, including GDPR, that is missing from the overall agreement, guides, policies, etc.
    • This includes a complete review of the current documentation from ServiceNow, the NET+ ServiceNow documentation, and an analysis to determine any gaps and remediate them.
  • Update the Agreement to address any changes in the community landscape needed along with the what is agreeable to ServiceNow in their stock agreement.
    • This includes a complete review of the current NET+ serviceNow Agreement along with stock language ServiceNow uses today to do an analysis determining any gaps and remediate them.
  • Refine the data needed for successful Institutional Profiles and work to identify reports that would be useful to the community
  • Identify and define ServiceNow Consulting available to NET+ ServiceNow subscribers to aid in an institutuion's overall success of the ServiceNow platform over time
  • Enterprise Service Management - What does that look like organizationally and from a licensing/pricing perspective
  • Common Services Data Model
  • No labels