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This style guide is a living document for COmanage 4.0 and higher.


As larger numbers of developers participate in the COmanage project, the project must provide a set of guidelines to help developers

  • create consistent interface elements within core code and plugins;
  • understand the reasoning behind UI/UX choices; and 
  • theme the application to meet the needs of a specific deployment.

Additionally, as COmanage gets included in a suite of Internet 2 tools that may benefit from coherency in theme or element design, the project can likewise provide guidance for how this may be accomplished while adopting common approaches where possible.

This Style Guide includes layout guidance, element screenshots, and occasional code samples with explanations for how to implement them. When appropriate, the guide explains the reasoning behind specific elements.


Constraints and Assumptions

The COmanage UI/UX is itself guided by a number of important considerations that impact the choices of user interface elements, the tooling used to build them, the theme, layout, and fonts, and even client/server interactions which impact the user experience.

  1. Synchronous request / response cycle

    Provisioning (using Registry data to create or remove access to applications and services) is a fundamental feature of COmanage Registry. For now, the project requires that all actions that result in provisioning be synchronous so that users receive feedback on them in real time.

  2. Keep tooling to a minimum

    COmanage’s adopters have significantly different development resources. In an effort to lower the boundaries to plugin development or theme customization, the project keeps tooling requirements to a minimum. Driven by that aim, COmanage’s user interface code is intentionally simple, structured within the CakePHP framework, and requires only a text editor to modify. Developers must understand the basics of PHP and, specifically, CakePHP. Beyond this, we aim to adopt few and widely understood libraries, and we weigh the selection of these both by their ability to serve the project’s needs as well as by the library’s stability and size of its user base. Development that requires separate tooling or a separate build step (e.g. Node/NPM, CSS pre-processing, etc) is avoided.

  3. COmanage is a project in motion

    Like all software, COmanage must grow to meet the feature needs of its adopters while keeping up with dependencies that change over time. COmanage Registry 4.0 uses the Bootstrap framework (currently at version 4). An interface library such as Bootstrap provides useful features such as mobile breakpoints, common interface elements, and common design patterns. Bootstrap was selected because of its wide adoption, simplicity, and existing dependency on jQuery - which is already heavily leveraged by COmanage. However, COmanage also attempts to strike a balance between reliance on such libraries and the use of COmanage-specific markup laid out using CSS. Structures for forms, tables, and common layouts are documented in this Style Guide.  (Note that COmanage Registry versions 2 and 3 were built on the now end-of-life MDL library; guidance is provided (link coming) for how to convert Plugins that were built in earlier versions.)
    As the number of features in COmanage Registry continues to grow, the navigation and layout paradigms must address and simplify added complexity. In other words, the Style Guide and interface elements presented within, though fixed for a time, will always remain a work in progress.

  4. Accessibility

    COmanage’s user interface is built to conform to WCAG AA 2.0. Colors, UI features, and underlying markup are chosen and constrained with accessibility at the top of mind.

Custom Themes

COmanage Registry may be styled without touching the underlying code by creating a custom Theme . Registry Themes allow for custom header and footer markup as well as custom CSS which is loaded last among styles. This allows a Theme to override any aspect of the Registry styles directly within the COmanage application.

While the use of direct CSS within custom themes is powerful, it has the disadvantage of being brittle: if the underlying markup changes significantly between versions, the CSS of a theme will need to adapt. As a future enhancement, the project is considering the creation of a simple theme panel for colors and a logo that will protect less development-minded deployers from such changes.


The font chosen for the COmange project is Noto Sans. The Noto fonts were designed specifically to cover all scripts found in the Unicode standard and was adopted by COmanage to simplify and enhance internationalization. Noto Sans comes in only two weights: Regular (400) and Bold (700).


COmanage makes use of the Material Icons font library for most icons. Material Icons are licensed under the Apache license version 2.0. 

Font Awesome (free) is also present and used in a number of places, and jQuery UI Icons have been carried forward as part of legacy styling from versions prior to 1.0. The use of jQuery UI Icons will be deprecated in coming versions.


Interior background colors in COmanage should be few and tend toward grey-scale in an effort to make Custom Theming simpler. That is, deployers should be able to place a logo and color scheme in a custom theme without the need to significantly modify interior colors of the application. Guidance for changing the primary colors in a custom theme is below, and development will move forward with an eye on making this ever simpler. Link and text colors are set to comply with WCAG AA 2.0 contrast guidelines. 

Text colors

  • The color for general hyperlinks is #06c. This color passes accessibility contrast checking on white and gray backgrounds down to #eee.
  • The standard body font color is #222.
  • Color for headings (h1, h2, h3, etc) is #555.

Form Field Colors

  • Input focus color: #ffd (light yellow)
  • Input error color: #fee (light pink)
  • Input error outlines, and requirement markers (*): #f00 (red)

Primary colors

COmanage Blues

Background and border colors

COmanage Backgrounds and Borders

Highlight colors

COmanage Highlight Colors

Changing primary colors in a custom theme

While this document can not cover the scope of all color changes you may wish to implement in a custom theme, the following CSS rules can be added to a custom theme and modified to change the most obvious default colors:

CSS for Custom Theme Colors
/* hyperlinks */
a, #main-menu > li li a,
#main-menu li li a.selected, .widget-actions .material-icons {
  color: #06c;
/* light blue banner background color */
#banner, #peopleAlphabet a:hover {
  background-color: #aed9f9;
/* primary dark blue background color, mostly for table headings and pagination */
th, .ui-widget-header, .co-grid .co-grid-header, #pagination {
  background-color: #0c75c0;
  color: white;

Loading Animation

Full-page loading animation

The loading animation in 3.3.0 is built from CSS and is intentionally simple. To fire the loading animation from a button or link, add “spin” to the css classes for that link and the ever present #co-loading div that contains the loading animation will be shown.

To launch or hide the loading animation programmatically, call displaySpinner(); or stopSpinner(); with javascript.

Mini loading animation

A smaller loading animation may be rendered with the following markup. Hiding it is up to the page that makes use of it.

  <span class="co-loading-mini"><span></span><span></span><span></span></span>

An example of the mini loading animation can be seen when a dashboard widget is loaded.


This is where a significant amount of change will take place. More consistent through old and new are the save, approve, and deny buttons. More significant changes will be made to the action buttons. The 3.3.0 version still uses jQuery UI. The 4.0 version will use a drop-down action button for row actions. Top links, used globally across a section, may remain much as they are or get pulled into an action drop-down button, but they will not use jQueryUI.

COmanage buttons found within page content can be classified into four general categories:

  1. Buttons used for Saving forms
  2. Buttons used to Approve or Deny a petition
  3. Buttons used to Edit, View, Delete (etc) a row in a listing
  4. Buttons used to access area specific actions (generally links found at the top-right of a section)

1. Save button

Cake PHP

COmanage Save Button
<?php if($e): ?>
  <li class="fields-submit">
    <div class="field-name"></div>
    <div class="field-info">
      <?php print $this->Form->submit($submit_label); ?>
<?php endif; ?>


COmanage Save Button Output
<div class="submit">
  <input type="submit" value="Save" class="spin submit-button btn btn-primary">

Note: all submit buttons have the “spin” class applied dynamically using jQuery. At the moment, the other classes are added at the same time. This latter approach dates back to the early days of COmanage and will be deprecated.

2. Pending and Approval buttons


COmanage Pending and Approval Buttons
<div class="submit">
  <input class="checkbutton approve-button spin submit-button btn btn-primary ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget" name="action" type="submit" value="Approve" role="button">
<div class="submit">
  <input class="cancelbutton deny-button spin submit-button btn btn-primary ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget" name="action" type="submit" value="Deny" role="button">

Note: upon the the deprecation of jQuery UI, the classes on these buttons will be much simplified.

3. Top action buttons

Top action buttons currently use jQuery UI icons and text within a hyperlink. The button icon is determined by class and is established by a block of jQuery that loads at the top of each page in Elements/javascript.ctp. Note: this approach dates back to the early days of COmanage and will be deprecated.

Cake PHP

Top links are specified at the top of pages in an array and are rendered in the pageTitleAndButtons.ctp element. 

COmanage Top Links
// Add page title
$params = array();
$params['title'] = $title_for_layout;

// Add top links
$params['topLinks'] = array();

if($permissions['add']) {
  $params['topLinks'][] = $this->Html->link(
    _txt('op.add-a', array(_txt('ct.co_enrollment_flows.1'))),
      'controller' => 'co_enrollment_flows',
      'action' => 'add',
      'co' => $cur_co['Co']['id']
    array('class' => 'addbutton')
  $params['topLinks'][] = $this->Html->link(
      'controller' => 'co_enrollment_flows',
      'action' => 'addDefaults',
      'co' => $cur_co['Co']['id']
    array('class' => 'addbutton')

print $this->element("pageTitleAndButtons", $params);


COmanage Top Links Output
<ul id="topLinks">
    <a href="/registry/co_enrollment_flows/add/co:2" class="addbutton ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget" role="button">
      <span class="ui-button-icon ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus"></span>
      <span class="ui-button-icon-space"> </span>
      Add Enrollment Flow
    <a href="/registry/co_enrollment_flows/addDefaults/co:2" class="addbutton ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget" role="button">
      <span class="ui-button-icon ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus"></span>
      <span class="ui-button-icon-space"> </span>
      Add/Restore Default Templates</a>

4. Row action buttons

Like the top action buttons, row action buttons currently use jQuery UI icons and text within a hyperlink. Examples of the CakePHP for these buttons can be found in most app/Views/viewname/index.ctp files.


In the future, the layout of the top and row action buttons will change. To simplify information density, we will condense row actions (when appropriate) into a single drop-down of actions for the row, and jQuery UI Icons will be deprecated. For example:

For further examples, see See also  CO-2054 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • No labels