A Matchgrid is the core element of the matching system, and represents a single tenant within a multi-tenant deployment. Matchgrids are set up by the Platform Administrator (COmanage Match > Matchgrids), but can then be configured by the Matchgrid Aministrator.

Matchgrid Attributes

Each Matchgrid has a set of attributes that are established when the Matchgrid is created. These attributes may be edited (COmanage Match > Matchgrids > Edit) but should be done with caution. Changes to these attributes can affect how COmanage Match works with other systems including API calls.

Table Name

Unique name for the Matchgrid. This name must be a valid SQL identifier. When the Matchgrid is built (after the Matchgrid attributes and rules are defined), a new database table will be created using the name of the Matchgrid, prefixed with mg_. It is recommended that only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores (_) be used to construct the table name.


The optional description field can be used to provide more details about the purpose and use of the Matchgrid. It is a useful complement to the Table Name which is constrained in what it can be called (see above).


There are two possible Status values for Matchgrids:

  • Active: The Matchgrid is in active use and is available for access by those with permission to do so, including the Match API.
  • Suspended: The Matchgrid is unavailable in the web application and Match API. This status is helpful for deactivating Matchgrids without losing the work that has been done in the Matchgrid.

As of Match v1.1.0, a Matchgrid must be Suspended before it can be deleted.

Matchgrid Settings

Matchgrid Settings can be managed via Manage > Matchgrid Settings.

Reference ID Assignment Method

The unique identifier assigned to an individual within a Matchgrid is called the Reference Identifier. Match supports two methods for assigning Reference Identifiers:

  • Sequence: An incrementing integer, equivalent to a database SERIAL
    • Sequences must be assigned a starting number. Reference Identifiers created by this method are not padded, so to generate (for example) 8 digit identifiers, set the starting number to 10000000.
    • Sequences may optionally be assigned a prefix string, such as MRID. This will result in Reference Identifiers such as MRID1001 (depending on what the starting number is).
  • UUID (Type 4)
    • If not explicitly configured, this is the default assignment method.

Considerations for Changing the Reference ID Assignment Method

  1. If the Reference Identifier assignment method is changed, existing identifiers will not be affected. The new configuration will only be applied to newly assigned Reference Identifiers.
  2. If the method is changed from UUID to Sequence, it may be necessary to rebuild the Matchgrid to create the actual sequence (if this configuration was not previously used).
  3. (warning) Changing the Reference Identifier assignment configuration in a production instance is not currently recommended. (CO-2237)

Notification Email

When Match Rules and Rule Attributes generate potential matches in need of review, a Matchgrid-wide notification email address can be specified. For more details, see Reviewing Pending Match Requests.

Manually Editing Matchgrid Records

Matchgrid records can be directly added, viewed, and edited via MatchgridgridnameDisplay.