would you attend this if there was a $500 registration fee for the ITANA Face2Face?
Would you rather attend if the meeting was attached to the Spring Member Meeting if the registration fee was $250 per person.
A $500 registration fee would let us hold the meeting with any other meeting. What would be other meetings that we could concatenate with?
What about a Gartner event?
What about a Burton event?
What about an Open Group Enterprise Architecture Summit?
One possibility would be campus hosted meetings.
What do you think of campus hosted meetings?
Would you be willing to host a meeting?
Comments: Could be twice a year. Could be 2 days long. Would not be tied to another meeting. Would rotate between campuses.
What regions of the country are you willing to attend a conference in?
What time of year would be best for a Face2Face:
Jan, Feb, March, April, May, June... etc
Would you be willing to pay a registration fee? If so how much: $100, $200, $300, more.
How many total meetings a year do you attend? Would you like to attend? Suggested time slots (from chat with Ann) So here are a few times slots though: End of April/May or Second week in June.
What activities could we do via virtual meetings?
What activities could we do via local meet-ups?
What activities could we do via ad hoc side-bar meetings at other national meetings?
How do we activate these other meetings? How do we get the word out?