If I saw the same thing multiple times, I put a +# in front of it to show that multiple people called out the same item. If we did something in response to a sticky, I put the thing we did in (parens) after the item.
Pluses, Things that worked well. Having a SME and Researchers at each table Meeting People & Working Together Lots of tacit knowledge in the room Good sharing as a group Excellent workshop process Really good "warm-ups" for the start of the meeting Small groups are conductive to relationship building. Will be good for remote collaborations in future Good to have an ITANA board member at each table We have "enough"structure to be productive good flexibility too Right people to talk about various subjects Internalizing understanding Insights from "the trenches" Excellent collaborators Drive good productive work Normalizes understanding add resources and links in Google doc Identifying upfront what we know and weak areas Good to have SME at table with so little time A diversity of technical views of the group Investment Value Matrix is a great strategic planning tool but needs to have consensus of business value | Big IdeasPublish the results as an ITANA handbook Need common nomenclature Capture synonyms (created the Work Process Chart) Levels of complexity in seemingly simple approaches Should we identify our (TIANA) capabilities? This would provide an alternative view than just tools (Shared the ITANA Capability Map) Will need to follow up with work e.g., to relate the models (Did the categorization mapping) |
Deltas, Things we should change or do differently.(Note. I added the changes we made to deal with the delta's the next day in parens) +4 Time management in break-out groups. (next day projected a timer and gave time checks) Get the big ideas first, then details (created the Work Process Chart) Not everyone was introduced at the beginning of the meeting (did this the next day) Need someone to facilitated to keep focus on critical items How to explain the value of EA or how it generates customer value. (The mantra: Get the Right People in the Right Conversation about the Right Problem) | QuestionsHow do we capture the value of the F2F process How do we share this after the F2F How are the tools interconnected (showed the Business Strategy on a Page that had Capabilities at its center) Post workshop curation of artifacts (We asked for Stewards for each artifact) Establishment of Architecture Practice Artifact needed to communicate the relationships that explain value - value chain map? Are we intending to improve the artifacts? Or document them? Both? Inserting screenshots, diagrams in docs Break up within the table to work on different sections Is it possible to create the unified meta-vision What makes higher ed so much different that other businesses?
Pluses, Things that worked well.(+1) Moving between different groups was good for meeting people Good management of the meeting process We got through a lot of tools (+1) The final categorization and usage of the tools. Very Cool. The "organize the methods" exercise produced great alternative approaches Really great participation and diversity of approaches (+1) Fabulous lunch! Building concepts and methods together was a great way to create shared understanding Tons of knowledge in the room resulted in highly effective learning amongst the group Gaining a general understanding of all the tools Complementary skills: worked well together Sufficient time in small groups Teams got into the groove and were more productive Learning about different situations to use the tools Categorization exercise focused on when vs. why My brain is tired and I need a beer Summary presentations at end Many new methods and applications to take back
| Big Ideas Define your axis and criteria for choosing coordinates There is opportunity for this kind of exercise to be used to share how to mature our EA practice Add risk/mitigation to template An ITANA - InCommon works on IAM implementation of these tools |
Deltas, Things we should change or do differently.(Note. I added the changes we made to deal with the delta's the next day in parens) Would like to have more down time, work over longer period. Start and end later with longer breaks. Too much rain. Still much "revisit" work to do on many methods Still feel a bit rushed. Need to reflect more on these. | Questions "Maintain" learnings A categorization artifact? Often finding difficulty to see direct connection with customer service investments Whats next for any needed alterations to the methods.
Pluses, Things that worked well.Thank you for agreeing to be stewards (of the artifacts) It's all good Stronger community of practice Helped to advance EA maturity Thank you, Jim!! Well done Lots of energy Insights and discussions Practical examples Additional relationship building Facilitation and work style discussion Thought and sharing on tools of "personal" interest Productive workshop Well organized, well run event Learned a lot from all of the diverse backgrounds Location of conference ideal - conducive to working Facilitation and structure was very effective Transformation in 2 days from individuals to collaborative team. Very cool to be part of. Process really created a sense of ownership and accountability to ITANA Discussion of what we plan to use is a good transition back to regular work life Revisiting items after a night's sleep was great Very effective and efficient way to learn about EA practice
| Big Ideas Need to do work on facilitation (skills and practices) and engagement (skills) ITANA on processes of EA Involve people who are interested in creating the .... introductions to the methods .... (ed. Sorry couldn't read this one in the photo. If it is yours, let me know.) Reach out to ITANA for advice on which artifact best suites situations. May be value to reconcile / conflate these tools to EA Frameworks / methodologies) e.g. TOGAF, Zachmann, FEA Map to visualize members Maintaining out momentum Artifacts are part of a narrative. Pick a few that go together for an engagement. Formalize and evangelize facilitation as a tool Group picture (see the Photos from the Meeting)
Deltas, Things we should change or do differently.(Note. I added the changes we made to deal with the delta's the next day in parens) Better meeting space Wish we would have been on campus to learn more about it Planned evenings for more socializing More facility bandwidth - wireless issues Work distractions Need to visualize when presenting Crowdsource list of things to put into the backlog prior to the unconference | Questions
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