Morning Sessions:
Introduction 10 minutes - Jim (8:30AM)
Architecture Introduction (aka Speed Dating) 15 Minutes - Jim
Starting Up an EA Practice - Paul - Hosting (Speakers: Paul, David Rose, JISC) // Note Capture - Chris (9:00AM)
- Defining and measuring the value of EA / Defining "The Road To Value" (JISC). Moving the metrics up the stack from hardware to "time to strategic implementation" or "reduce risk". Working groups to define metrics?
- Entry points, where do you start
- Selling EA and then starting to do EA
- Where should EA be placed in the Organization? Who should be on the team? Where do the lower level architects fit into the group? How do you bring Business Analysts and distributed architects into the mix.
5/10 Feedback Session
Break 10:15 - 10:30AM
Growing an EA Practice - Chris (Speakers: Jim, Paul) // Note Capture - ____ (10:30)
- Maturity Model
- Patterns and Anti-Patterns in Architecture
- Managing the Lifecycles: Students, Researchers, Instructors, Staff, Advisors
- Two primary value chains: Student Value Chain, Research Value Chain
- Governance, Architecture Review Committee - leveraging what you have. Making it work with what you've got.
- Federated Architecture Models: Penn State and UW-Madison
5/10 Feedback Session
Lunch Break (Noon to 1PM)
Afternoon Sessions:
Practice of EA - Professional Development - Jim (Speakers: Jim, Chris) // Note Capture - Paul
- The goal is education and communication
- Leading Managing and Doing as Architect - what are your tasks and which ones are most important
- Building Influence - how do you actually have an impact on campus and leadership
Break 2:15PM to 2:30PM
- Business architecture model and views. (Chris)
- Business growth and maturity and the relationship to capabilities and the lifecycle maps. How do these change over time?
- Starting points of those discussion and Entry to EA discussions; what works as a starter for 10.
5/10 Feedback Session
Break 3:15 PM to 3:30PM
Next Steps - Going Forward - All // Note Capture - Jim
- What are the goals and tasks that ITANA should work on going forward
- Identify one or two projects for ITANA members to jointly work-on
- Identify one or two professional development goals to work on back at your campus
- Parking Lot issues and questions
5/10 Closing Feedback Session