• May 2006
  • Publisher: Harvard Business School Press
  • ISBN: 1-59139-839-8

Page Excerpts Based on Label Search

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    Copy of Case for Action

    A Case for Action should be done to help synthesize the major artifacts, lessons, and recommendations for next steps after an EA engagement. This artifacts summarizes what has been learned / accomplished in the engagement, and helps stakeholders organize/move to deliver on the outcomes identified in the engagement.
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    Copy of Capability Maps

    A business capability, or simply a “capability,” defines what a business does. It does not communicate or expose where, why, or how something is done — only what is done. Specifically, the business capability is “a particular ability or capacity that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose or outcome (Cutter)." This appears to be an industry definition.
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    Copy of Brick Diagrams

    A brick diagram organizes technology services and components, so an organization can describe and enforce standards, services, and capabilities for a given technology domain. The diagram also describes the lifecycle of technology components -  each component will be in one or more of the following: tactical, strategic, retirement, containment, baseline, or emerging. A brick can comprise one or more solutions/implementations in which an enterprise invests to support its capabilities. Link to external resource.
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    Plus Delta Big Ideas and Questions

    Pluses (plus), Deltas (minus), Big Ideas (warning) and Questions (question) are a tool for gathering feedback on a event. It is also useful for helping participants to learn through reflection.