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This is the home page for the JISC-InterFed.

We've so far come up with a list of four documents that are required to establish the inter-federation agreement and support its operation:

Memorandum of Understanding

This sets the framework for the exchange of metadata between the federation operators. The current draft of this MoU is attached to this page

Technical Specification for the metadata exchange

Operator Practice Document

Each operator needs to make available to the other a document describing those aspects of its practice that might affect their confidence in each others' processes. A list of these aspects needs to be developed, but suggested topics so far include:URI testing, identity proofing of the executive liaison, frequency of metadata update.

The UK federation currently has two documents that may contain some or all of the required information. The Federation Operator Procedures contain information on

  • Membership application processing
  • Registration of Entities
  • CA qualification
  • Support
  • Monitoring

While the Federation Technical Specification covers

  • Trust Fabric
  • Metadata Usage and Extensions

Guidance on EC privacy requirements

Since the European Union has particular legal requirements on protecting personal data about users, which will affect IdPs and SPs in other countries who wish to exchange personal data with those in the EU, guidance should be provided to those IdPs and SPs (and their European partners) on good practice in addressing these requirements.

A paper, prepared for the European REFEDs group, may either satisfy this requirement or at least form the basis of a new document. Slidespresenting this paper were used at the TERENA conference in Brugge in May 2008. Note that additional information on controlling whether or not pseudonymous identifiers are considered as personal data has since come to light and will be incorporated into a future version of the paper and slides.

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