Using COmanage Alpha RC6

  1. Download and expand the tarball and load under VMware.
  2. Start the appliance.
  3. If not using DHCP, fix the network settings. (N.B. for any federation, including testshib, to work, your COmanage instance must have a resolveable and internet-accessible name and IP)
    1. On the VMWare console,
    2. ALT-G, so keyboard input goes to the guest OS
    3. ALT-F1 which seems to wake up the linux console
    4. login as root, password = comanage
    5. edit the network settings:
      1. edit /etc/network/interfaces
      2. edit /etc/resolv.conf, to point to the local DNS servers
      3. edit /etc/hostname to change the hostname of the system
      4. restart networking.
    6. make sure mysql is running by executing /etc/init.d/mysql restart
    7. make sure ldap is running by executing /etc/init.d/slapd restart
    8. make sure sympa is running by executing /etc/init.d/sympa restart

* all of these tasks are described here.

  1. Generate keys and a CSR, and get your new SP added to your Federation.
    1. To create a self-signed cert, see
  2. Using a browser, visit the server at http://servername/
  3. Access the Admin link (username and password are comanage)
  4. Click the Federations link to setup Shib
  5. Click the Drupal link to setup Drupal.
  6. Click Users to invite users.

Now, from the base page, one should be able to access the Shibbolized Drupal.

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