2013-08-26 scrum call


    • Benn Oshrin
    • Marie Hunyh
    • Heather Flanagan

Items covered for this sprint

  • jira tickets listed here


  • What have you done since the previous call?
    • Benn: big commit that redid a bunch of provision work for groups; this should unblock Scott
    • Marie: CO-628 in progress; logistics and paperwork for LIGO stuff
  • What are you planning to do between now and the next call?
    • Benn: CO-311 cont'd
    • Marie: Will work on CO-608
  • Any impediments/stumbling blocks?
    • Marie: need clarity on which term to use "Enroll" vs. "Create Petition" - team votes on "Enroll"

2013-08-30 dev call


  • Benn Oshrin
  • Heather Flanagan
  • Marie Hunyh
  • Scott Koranda

Items covered for this sprint


  • What have you done since the previous call?
    • Benn: CO-311 (pulling attributes from the environment) is done; started fixing name support, ultimately to fix name rendering for KAGRA
    • Marie: jquery sortable (CO-628)
    • Scott: been in a meeting
  • What are you planning to do between now and the next call?
    • Benn: TBD
    • Marie: continue to work on sorting
    • Scott: grouper provisioner plug in
  • Any impediments/stumbling blocks?
    • Benn: pending Dev discussion below
    • Marie: has a question about sorting
    • Scott: need an update from Benn on the changes to the API

Dev business

  • Update from Chicago: organized by Clemson University; audience mostly CIO-types or their reps (U. Chicago, Utah, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Clemson) and several other VOs (LIGO, OpenCloud Partnership, GENI) - "What are the pain points in identity management that people should focus on, with particular attention to provisioning and collaboration"; other VOs are also asking InCommon to focus more in international interfederation and pushing the R&S category
  • CAMP session accepted: 9am-9:30 Friday morning 15 November 2013; Scott to ack
  • Changes to provisioning APIs: make sure you are up to date from SVN since many things have changed for both code and database schema; provisioner itself still implements on 2 calls (status and provision) but some things have changed for both calls; see documentation - its mostly up to date; it will now do a default implementation of "status" for all plugins
  • CO Group "provision a mailing list" attribute? talked about provisioning mailing lists from group memberships, either via integration to a mailing list service like sympa or directly populating email aliases; could imagine plug ins for each of those solutions; you can configure all to look at LDAP for the information, but we need to figure out exactly how the provisioning should happen - through the Registry, through the software itself and manually provision the group, or do something in Registry outside of the plugins. How do we want to deal with this? May want to bring this up at the F2F meeting either in September or November.
  • Authentication in enrollment flows for CO-311 (and update on CO-311) - right now, authentication happens after you fill out the form; Benn will change that around, but we will add this to the NYC agenda
  • Are we Sprint Planning on Wednesday? Or is it just NYC planning? - postponed
  • NYC agenda and logistics - postponed

(Scott to drop off; rest of the call for Marie and Benn)

  • Sortable jquery (see screenshot) - Zebra striping screws up with drag-and-drop functionality; maybe see about making that client side instead of server side pagination? maybe a button to click to enable sortable behavior? will drop links along the top (for now) and just have the button that says save and the drag and drop; no strong preference re: leaving the numbers on the list as long as it is obvious that you can reorder the lines
  • CO-643 design - can we take another pass at the layout? Maybe revert back to something similar to the table layout from before but use overlays instead of new boxes? or do something that doesn't use the accordion drop down? Let's add NYC agenda
  • No labels