Registry will be able to create CO specific identifiers for new CO People.

  • Autogenerated CO Person Number (eg: "employee number")
    • Sequential, starting from n
    • Random, n characters wide, numeric-only, alphanumeric, or formulaic (eg: C123456789)
  • Autogenerated Identifiers
    • first.last = Username/UID
    • = ePPN
    • first.last@MYVO.ORG = Kerberos Principal
  • Autogeneration parameters
    • Ability to exclude certain characters (eg: no 1, l, O, 0, 4)
    • Ability to exclude certain strings (eg: "director", offensive words and numbers)
    • Ability to generate first.last based on provided name data (CO Person/Org Identity, preferred/official) with reasonable/configurable behavior when an identifier in already in use (eg: john.m.smith, john.matthew.smith, john.smith.2)
      • Ability to specify min/max length

For now, identifiers are attached at the CO level, not by COU. If the latter becomes necessary (presumably done as part of an enrollment flow), be sure to cover the case of a CO Person Role moving to a new COUs.

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