1. Use the command line tool 'curl' with the 'GrouperSystem' login and password to test the Grouper web services (WS):

    curl --user GrouperSystem:some_password \
     https://<your host>/grouper-ws/servicesRest/json/v2_2_000/groups/etc%3AwebServiceClientUsers/members

    The command above uses the Grouper WS REST interface to find the members of the group etc:webServiceClientUsers. The colon ( : ) separates the stem or folder name 'etc' from the group name 'webServiceClientUsers' and is URL-escaped to '%3A'.  That stem and group are created automatically during the Grouper installation process.

    You should receive an unformatted JSON payload in response. A formatted version is

        "WsGetMembersLiteResult": {
            "responseMetadata": {
                "millis": "99",
                "serverVersion": "2.2.2"
            "resultMetadata": {
                "resultCode": "SUCCESS",
                "resultMessage": "Success for: clientVersion: 2.2.0, wsGroupLookups:
     Array size: 1: [0]: WsGroupLookup[pitGroups=[],groupName=etc:webServiceClientUs
    ers]\n\n, memberFilter: All, includeSubjectDetail: false, actAsSubject: null, fi
    eldName: null, subjectAttributeNames: null\n, paramNames: \n, params: null\n, so
    urceIds: null\n, pointInTimeFrom: null, pointInTimeTo: null, pageSize: null, pag
    eNumber: null, sortString: null, ascending: null",
                "success": "T" 
            "wsGroup": {
                "displayExtension": "webServiceClientUsers",
                "displayName": "etc:webServiceClientUsers",
                "extension": "webServiceClientUsers",
                "idIndex": "10000",
                "name": "etc:webServiceClientUsers",
                "typeOfGroup": "group",
                "uuid": "7ffc7c08106d4027ab18e61a8de2fa01"
            "wsSubjects": [
                    "id": "GrouperSystem",
                    "resultCode": "SUCCESS",
                    "sourceId": "g:isa",
                    "success": "T"
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