- From the Grouper service administrator obtain a username (login) and password to use with Grouper Web Services (WS). The WS user should have write permissions for at least one stem (folder) under which the provisioner will create stems (folders) and groups corresponding to Registry CO Groups.
Use the command line tool 'curl' with the username (login) and password to test the Grouper WS:
curl --user <username>:<password> \ https://<your host>/grouper-ws/servicesRest/json/v2_5_000/groups/<some group>/members
The command above uses the Grouper WS REST interface to find the members of a group. Replace <some group> with the URL-encoded full ID path of the group (replace colon ( : ) with %3A).
You should receive an unformatted JSON payload in response. An example formatted version is{ "WsGetMembersLiteResult": { "resultMetadata": { "success": "T", "resultCode": "SUCCESS", "resultMessage": "Success for: clientVersion: 2.5.0, wsGroupLookups: Array size: 1: [0]: WsGroupLookup[pitGroups=[],groupName=Communities:mygroup]\n\n, memberFilter: All, includeSubjectDetail: false, actAsSubject: null, fieldName: null, subjectAttributeNames: null\n, paramNames: \n, params: null\n, sourceIds: null\n, pointInTimeFrom: null, pointInTimeTo: null, pageSize: null, pageNumber: null, sortString: null, ascending: null" }, "wsGroup": { "extension": "mygroup", "displayName": "Communities:mygroup", "description": "mygroup", "uuid": "e4c91eea8d354f6a9cf460cc50ddffcf", "enabled": "T", "displayExtension": "mygroup", "name": "Communities:mygroup", "typeOfGroup": "group" }, "responseMetadata": { "serverVersion": "4.1.6", "millis": "327" }, "wsSubjects": [ { "sourceId": "users", "success": "T", "resultCode": "SUCCESS", "id": "alicia.adams@example.org", "memberId": "a756c862f1834514bfe589d023e4c505" }, { "sourceId": "users", "success": "T", "resultCode": "SUCCESS", "id": "steven.cup@example.org", "memberId": "965e350a0a014146b6c98b6315f0e9fe" } ] } }
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