During the installation of Grouper using the grouperInstaller.jar you may see a Java stack trace and error message "SEVERE: Problem rolling back". You may safely ignore this error provided that you also see at the end of it "Successfully tested database connection".

During the installation of Grouper using the grouperInstaller.jar you may see "Error: Cannot properly read UTF string from resource: grouperUtf8.txt". This is due to a known bug in the installer that will be fixed in a later version.

The installer downloads and installs its own copy of Tomcat. There is no option to disable that functionality. It is best to just complete the deployment as shown below and then ignore the version of Tomcat that was included.


Execute the following commands as the root user:

  1. Start the Grouper installer:

    java -jar ./grouperInstaller.jar
  2. Follow the prompts from the installer and enter the values as shown below (some of the values shown will be defaults and you can just hit 'Enter'):

     Do you want to 'install' a new installation of grouper, 'upgrade' an existing installation,
      'patch' an existing installation, or 'createPatch' for Grouper developers
      (enter: 'install', 'upgrade', 'patch', 'createPatch' or blank for the default) [install]: install
    Enter in the Grouper install directory (note: better if no spaces or special chars) [/opt/grouper]: /opt/grouper 
    Enter the default IP address for checking ports (just hit enter to accept the default unless on a machine with no network, might want to
    change to []:
    Do you want to set gsh script to executable (t|f)? [t]: t
    Do you want to run dos2unix on gsh.sh (t|f)? [t]: t
    Do you want to use the default and included hsqldb database (t|f)? [t]: f
    Enter the database URL [jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/grouper]: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/grouper?CharSet=utf8&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8
    Database user [sa]: grouper
    Database password (note, you aren't setting the pass here, you are using an existing pass, this will be echoed back) [<blank>]: some_password
    Do you want to init the database (delete all existing grouper tables, add new ones) (t|f)? t
    Do you want to add quickstart subjects to DB (t|f)? [t]: f
    Do you want to add quickstart data to registry (t|f)? [t] f
    Do you want to set the tomcat memory limit (t|f)? [t]: t
    Do you want to set tomcat scripts to executable (t|f)? [t]: t
    Do you want to run dos2unix on tomcat sh files (t|f)? [t]: t
    What ports do you want tomcat to run on (HTTP, JK, shutdown): [8080, 8009, 8005]: 8080,8009,8005
    Do you want to set URIEncoding to UTF-8 in tomcat server.xml <Connector> elements (t|f)? [t]: t
    Should we stop tomcat anyway? (t|f)? [f] f
    Do you want to set the log dir of UI (t|f)? [t]: t
    Enter the UI log dir: [/opt/grouper/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/logs/grouperUi]: /var/log/grouperUi
    Enter the URL path for the UI [grouper]: grouper
    Enter the GrouperSystem password: some_password
    Do you want to set the GrouperSystem password in /opt/grouper/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/conf/tomcat-users.xml? [t]: t
    Should we stop tomcat anyway? (t|f)? [f] f
    Should we check ports to see if tomcat was able to start (t|f)? [t]: t
    The Grouper WS has been built in the past, do you want it rebuilt? (t|f) [t]: t
    Should we check ports to see if tomcat was able to stop (t|f)? [t]: t
    Do you want to set the log dir of WS (t|f)? [t]: t
    Enter the WS log dir: [/opt/grouper/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/logs/grouperWs]: /var/log/grouperWs
    Enter the URL path for the WS [grouper-ws]: grouper-ws
    Should we stop tomcat anyway? (t|f)? [f] f
    Should we check ports to see if tomcat was able to start (t|f)? [t]: t
    Do you want to install the provisioning service provider (t|f)? [t]: t
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