
July 16 - 18

Wednesday, July 16: Union 179 (start time 1:00 PM)
Thursday, July 17: Scott and Benn in Madison
Friday, July 18: Physics 487 (start time 10:00 AM)


  1. Review MyLIGO 3 status and plans
    1. Requirements for Notifications (call with Warren Anderson). Feedback on notifications from LIGO.
    2. Identify actionable tasks for each issue
  2. Review status of "can't reproduce issues"
    1. CO-848 Auto-generate Identifiers can provision before petition is approved
    2. CO-877 CO Petitions Page Buggy
    3. CO-878 Emails incorrectly at status unverified
  3. Review various email threads
    1. Preventing Enrollment When Already Enrolled (CO-298)
      1. Default "Please Select..." for COU (CO-900)
    2. User enrolling in multiple COs (CO-654, CO-310, etc)
    3. LDAP Provisioner - multiple roles for a user
  4. Resource planning and future funding
    1. SDCI Spin Down (deliverable review)
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