COllabmin video script

While Digant C Kasundra waits for a working COmanage install to finalize a plan and script, the following notes from Ken Klingenstein serve as a rough idea of what the video will demonstrate:

context: Collab Org Alpha-Bets (or something much better), with several subgroups/committees of the cyrillics, romans, arabics, kanji,...
collabmin jean, a member of alpha-bets from institution x uses their federated credential to get to the comanage console...

1. collabmin adds user from alphabets global to a particular subgroup, removes another. voiceover talks about the permissions so granted, removed (e.g. this user can now access the subgroup wiki, will be on the committee email list, can access new parts of the cvs)

2. collabmin allows users from one subcommittee permission to read but not write on another groups wiki space. (pointing out it can be done either at the comanage or the wiki layer, and pros/cons). do we want to show that we can expire this permission automatically at a certain date? (can we?)

3. collabmin grants TA's (already in alphabets global dir and in a group labelled...) of one member of alphabets some standard (i.e. preexisting group) special permissions - (e.g adding students to student lists, and to a yet-to-be-written app that connects to the admin role of the student lab card access system, etc.). maybe too complex to describe, but if it is a simple group inclusion in another group to execute, it shows well.

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