Administration Guide

Release Notes

Grouper 2.0 Release Notes

Installation & Configuration

Prerequisites - Establish the Grouper environment.
API Installation - Configure the API and integrate with existing identity stores.
WS Installation - Build, secure, and deploy Grouper Web Services.
Initializing Administration of Privileges - The first stem and group you should create.

Getting Started Quickly

Grouper UIs

Administrative UI Installation - Configure, build, and deploy Grouper's User Interfaces.
Grouper UIs - Information on web-based user interfaces provided with Grouper.

Tools & Topics for On-Going Administration

GrouperShell - Documentation for the gsh command line utility.
Grouper Daemon - Documentation for background processing including: GrouperLoader, notifications and membership expiry.
Grouper Client - Experimental client for Grouper LDAP and Web Services.
User Audit Log - How to review who made what changes and when.
Point in Time Auditing - Query the state of Grouper in the past.
Move and Copy - How to move / copy groups or stems.
Notification - Grouper can incrementally provision external systems.
Attribute Framework -  A framework for assigning metadata to Grouper objects.
Access Management Features Overview - An guide to when to use rules, roles, limits, and other access management features
Rules - Attach actions on certain events to trigger certain results
Custom Group Types & Fields - What they are and how to create and delete them.
Role and permission management - Grouper v1.5+ allows external applications to centrally manage roles and permissions in Grouper
Enabled and disabled dates - Memberships can be set to apply only in the future, or for a certain period of time
Import/Export Tool - Documentation for the XML Import/Export tool.
Legacy Import/Export Tool- Documentation for the original XML Import/Export tool.
Sync Grouper with another Grouper - Allows two group management systems to share a group.

Provisioning and Integration

Ldappc-ng - Documentation for the LDAP Provisioning Connector.
Ldappc - Documentation for the original LDAP Provisioning Connector.
External Subjects - managing external subjects.
Shibboleth Integration - Grouper as a Data Connector Extension for Shibboleth.
ESB Connector - Integrating Grouper with an event-driven ESB architecture.
Grouper integration with Kuali Rice - Use Grouper groups in Kuali applications and middleware, and use Kuali Enterprise Workflow in Grouper groups management.
Grouper Atlassian Connector


Unresolvable Subject Deletion Utility - Documentation for the command line usdu tool.
Bad Membership Finder Utility - Documentation for the findbadmemberships command line script.


Glossary - Important Definitions

Getting Started with Grouper Book (not complete)