Membership Enabled and Disabled (Start/End) Dates  

  • Membership assignments and attributes/permissions can have enabled/disabled dates where the assignment might be enabled in the future, or disabled after a certain period of time
  • Enabled/disabled dates are supported through the UI, web services, and gsh.
  • The Grouper loader daemon is required for processing the registry periodically to set the enabled/disabled flag based on dates
  • Here is the Jira issue 
  • Example of assigning these via GSH:

    membership = group.getImmediateMembership(Group.getDefaultList(), subject, true, true);

    * Example configuration in

    #quartz cron-like schedule for enabled/disabled daemon.  Note, this has nothing to do with the changelog
    #leave blank to disable this, the default is 12:01am, 11:01am, 3:01pm every day: 0 1 0,11,15 * * ?
    changeLog.enabledDisabled.quartz.cron = 0 1 0,11,15 * * ?
    #number of seconds between checks for changes in enabled/disabled status
    #suggested values are between 900 and 3600
    changeLog.enabledDisabled.queryIntervalInSeconds = 3600

    * Example gsh call for testing

  • Enabled/disabled dates are called Start and End Dates in the UI.

Group Enabled and Disabled (Start/End) Dates as of Grouper v2.5+

  • Grouper supports having enabled/disabled dates set on groups as of version 2.5.
  • This is also supported through the UI, web services, and gsh.
  • When a group is expired or unexpired, the result is propagated to memberships, privileges (except admin privileges), and attributes.  In other words, those objects are also expired or unexpired.
  • Here is the Jira issue which contains more details on the changes that were made.
  • You can edit enabled/disabled dates in the UI when editing a group:

See Also

See the Overview of Access Management Features page for guidelines of when to use rules, roles, permission limits, and enabled / disabled dates.

  • No labels