COmanage Registry supports several types of Plugins in order to easily customize and extend Registry functionality. In addition, you can write your own plugins to customize Registry to work in the ways and with the systems that you need. This page provides background about COmanage Registry plugins including how to make them available to your instance of COmanage, a description of each of the plugin types with a list of the known plugins of each type, and references to documentation to create your own plugins.

About Plugins

Installing Plugins

There are a few different ways to make Plugins available for use within Registry, according to how the Plugin is distributed.

  1. Core Plugins - Commonly used. These plugins ship with COmanage and enabled by default.
  2. Supported Non-core Plugins - Less widely used. Shipped with COmanage, but not enabled by default.  
  3. External Plugins - Finally, Plugins can come from other sources (including those you write yourself) to support your needs.

Core Plugins

Many Plugins are already set up, and provided as “Core Plugins”; these Plugins ship with COmanage, and are enabled by default. They can be found in the app/Plugin directory.

Supported Non-core Plugins

In addition, there are some Plugins that are less widely used. While they are shipped with COmanage, they are not enabled by default because of the related overhead (and, in some cases, external dependencies) associated with Plugins that may only be useful to some deployments. These plugins are also shipped with Registry and can be found in the app/AvailablePlugin directory.

The simplest way to enable a Non-Core Plugin (assuming you have met any external dependencies the Plugin may require) is to symlink it from your local/Plugin directory.

After creating the symlink, you should clear caches and then update your database schema to reflect the newly available plugin.

$ cd $REGISTRY/local/Plugin
$ ln -s ../../app/AvailablePlugin/SomePlugin .
$ cd $REGISTRY/app
$ su -c "./Console/clearcache" ${APACHE_USER}
$ su -c "./Console/cake database" ${APACHE_USER}

External Plugins

Plugins that come from other sources (including those you write yourself) should be placed in the local/Plugin directory.

Configuring & Using Plugins

Once a Plugin is installed and enabled for use, how it is actually used and/or configured varies according to the Plugin type.

Plugin TypeDescriptionWhere the plugin is configured in COmanage

Configuration > Authenticators

Configuration > Clusters
Dashboard Widget

Configuration > Dashboards
Data Filter
Configuration > Data Filters
Enrollment Flow
Configuration > Enrollment Flows
Identifier Validation
Configuration > Identifier Validators
Invitation Confirmer


LDAP Schema


Organizational Identity Source
Configuration >  Organizational Identity Sources

Configuration >  Provisioning Targets

Creating Your Own Plugins

Building your own plugin is a great was to get started with custom development for COmanage. Through plugins you can build powerful extensions to the existing Registry functionality. Building a Registry Plugin requires knowledge of PHP, CakePHP, and COmanage.

Start Here

The general documentation for building plugins can be found on the Writing Registry Plugins page. All plugins follow some standard conventions which are outlined on this page. In addition, some types have additional requirements as listed below.

Additional Requirements by Plugin Type

As described above, there are several different Plugin Types, each with their own additional requirements. You can find these details at the links below:

Plugin Library

Below is a list of known plugins that are available to the COmanage Registry community. Please let us know if you know of other plugins that are not listed below. (Or, maybe you have created your own plugin that you want to share here!)

The Style macro allows the use of CSS to style content. CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed.

.home-banner {
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  padding: 20px;
.home-banner h1 {
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.title-box {
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  .title-box > h2 {
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  padding: 1em 0 0;
  position: relative;
.cfm-blog-image > img {
  display: block;
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.lead > p {
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.about-box {
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  padding-top: 30px;
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.about-box > p {
  font-size: 0.9em;
  font-style: italic;
.about-box > h3 {
  font-size: 0.9em;