Using and Configuring Dashboards
Dashboard Visibility
Dashboards are configured with a visibility, controlling who may render the dashboard and its widgets. While widgets automatically inherit the Dashboard's overall visibility, it is not possible to have a single Dashboard with Widgets configured for different visibilities.Dashboards made visible to "Unauthenticated Users" are publicly viewable at a URL similar to /registry/co_dashboards/dashboard/3. The URL can be obtained (and the dashboard previewed) by clicking the "Render" button in the index of available dashboards.
Primary CO Dashboard
One Dashboard may be flagged as Primary for the CO, via Configuration > CO Settings > Primary Dashboard. When a Primary Dashboard is configured, it will render at the CO landing page (/registry/co_dashboards/dashboard/co:#
). Note that any active CO Person (CO Member) can view this page. If a more restrictive visibility is configured for the Dashboard, the structure of the Dashboard will still render, though the Widgets will throw permissions errors rather than render. In general, if a Dashboard is set as the Primary Dashboard, it should be given CO Member visibility.
Dashboard Widgets
Existing Widgets
Registry Dashboards contain Dashboard Widgets
Dashboard Widget Plugins
Announcements Dashboard Widget — The Announcements Dashboard Widget (AnnouncementsWidget) is a Registry Dashboard plugin that manages and renders Announcements.
Eligibility Widget — The Eligibility Widget is a Registry Dashboard plugin that allows for self service management of COU Memberships.
Email Address Dashboard Widget — The Email Address Dashboard Widget is a Registry Dashboard plugin that allows for self service management of Email Addresses.
Notifications Dashboard Widget — The Notifications Dashboard Widget (NotificationsWidget) is a Registry Dashboard plugin that renders Registry Notifications for the current user.
Password Dashboard Widget — The Password Dashboard Widget is a Registry Dashboard plugin that allows for self service management of Passwords by authenticated users.
Recovery Dashboard Widget — The Recovery Dashboard Widget (RecoveryWidget) is a Registry Dashboard plugin that enables self service account recovery tools.
Services Widget Plugin — The Services Dashboard Widget (ServicesWidget) is a Registry Dashboard plugin that renders Registry Services for the current user. At this time, the services widget supports only CO-level services.
URL Dashboard Widget — The URL Dashboard Widget (UrlWidget) is a Registry Dashboard plugin that renders content from URLs.
Writing your own widget
Building your own plugin is a great was to get started with custom development for COmanage. Through plugins you can build powerful extensions to the existing Registry functionality. Building a Registry Plugin requires knowledge of PHP, CakePHP, and COmanage.
Start Here
The general documentation for building plugins can be found on the Writing Registry Plugins page. All plugins follow some standard conventions which are outlined on this page. In addition, some types have additional requirements as listed below.
Specific plugin details
Some additional conventions are required when writing a Dashboard Widget Plugin. See the documentation for more detail.