The Grouper Daemon is a process that can handle many tasks.  In Grouper v2.4+, all daemon jobs are visible in the Grouper UI. 

Starting in v2.5+: run the Grouper container with the "daemon" argument or the appropriate env vars set (see v2.5 container documentation)

In v5.8+ you can unschedule a job to stop it.  If the job is hung on a network call (e.g. a database lock), you cannot stop it, but if it is processing data it will stop shortly.  You can do a few jstacks on the daemon process to see if it is making progress.

See this document to have a unix service which controls the loader

Note: it is also possible to run the loader in another webapp if you like

The long-term roadmap is to have the ability to run the loader in a web services instance or UI instance

See Also

For Grouper v2.5+  see this page on Daemon configuration.
For Grouper Daemon configuration options, see the Daemon section of the Grouper API page.
For info on pruning Daemon logs, see Ongoing Maintenance Tasks