2018 Monthly Report Archive

InCommon OIDC/OAuth Deployment Working Group

Chartered by: InCommon Technical Advisory Committee

Chair: Nathan Dors, University of Washington

Wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/jJiTBg

A survey confirmed that there is already substantial use of the OIDC/OAuth2 protocols by campuses. Using these protocols is substantially less mature in the higher education environment than the SAML protocols that have been used for the last 15 years. This working group brings together current users to develop and propose standard deployment practices in order to improve the likelihood of interoperation “just working.”

InCommon Deployment Profile Working Group

Chartered by: InCommon Technical Advisory Committee

Chair: Keith Wessel, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/WoIQBg

This working group was chartered to develop a deployment profile that describes required and recommended practices for IdPs and SPs operating in the higher education and research community. If necessary and desirable, this working group will facilitate an effort to further evolve the current SAML2int profile. It will also identify which of these standards could be tested by InCommon if the federation wanted to ensure full profile compliance by participants.

InCommon Streamlining SP Onboarding Working Group

Chartered by: InCommon Technical Advisory Committee

Chairs: Tommy Roberson, Baylor University; Garrett King, Carnegie Mellon University

Wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/iJiTBg

The working group has identified and begun documenting standards for Service Provider operation within the InCommon Federation using the CIC Cloud Services Cookbook as a starting point. Having standards available that help SPs onboard will add to the value proposition for SPs in the InCommon Federation and reduce variance in configuration and increase interoperability. The target audience for the working group is organizations that are running, or want to run, an SP.

Attributes for Collaboration and Federation Working Group

Chair: Brad Christ, Eastern Washington University

Wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/ipiTBg

This working group includes participants from the key stakeholder groups that need/use common attributes used in federated access exchanges. The working group explored the reasons that default attribute release policies are not in place at most campuses and will propose a default list of attributes for InCommon Identity Provider operators. The group aims to develop and execute a roadmap for adoption of the Research and Scholarship Category of Service Providers as well as a default attribute release policy. In addition the group will review and enhance online content for Identity Provider administrators so they have a clear set of steps to follow to implement the desired approach.

Associated Links

InCommon Working Groups Home