Organizational Identity Sources allow for the creation of Organizational Identities linked to an external source or "system of record". These sources can include LDAP servers, REST APIs, SQL databases, flat files, and so on. Custom plugins can be written for arbitrary sources.

Organizational Identity Sources are either defined at the platform level if org identities are pooled (when Org Identities are shared across COs, it follows that Sources should also be shared across COs), or on a per-CO basis if they aren't. Once configured, Organizational Identities can be created from these sources in several ways:

(warning) When an Organizational Identity is created from a source, it is linked to that source and cannot be manually edited, not even by an administrator. However, it can be manually resynced to pull changes from the source.

(warning) If the corresponding record is removed from the Organizational Identity Source, on the next sync the Org Identity will be set to status Removed, but the Org Identity itself will remain available – it is not deleted.

(warning) If Attribute Enumerations are enabled for any attributes, permitted values for those attributes are constrained to the enumerated options. Source records containing a non-enumerated value will fail to process correctly.


The terminology used by Registry can be a little confusing when looking at person records related to Organizational Identity Sources.