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Topic: Internet of Things (IOT) Taxonomy around IoT

Ed Aractingi (aractingi 1 @ Marshall edu), Brian Stengel,


Capability and assurance levels

Security matrix

SDN can help in network security

If not encryption is required, overlay network can be a possibility.

TLS, Certs

IoT Stack

Development of a common definition of IoT

Define common characteristics of IoT technologies


NSF definition "Cyber Physical system"

Connectivity - Cyber(Cloud?)/Brokers - Data

Not specifically end-to-end connectivity.

Leveraging your other connected device.

IoT capability matrix (taxonomy)

  • What is needed? a common definition/taxonomy Iot
  • How can Internet2 help? have the community of institution representatives
  • How can the working group help? can draft a white paper establish the definition/taxonomy

Ann Doyle notes from Digital Humanities and Internet of Things sub-group table:

Regional Network perspective.   Would be great to curate existing projects.   Ivy league Digital Humanities.    Could be viewed as resources for people entering this space.  

How do you define a project??

An agreed upon scope that makes it Internet2 community appropriately.  

Curate first, then define scope, categorize.

Maybe focus on big data utilizing advance cyberinfrastructure for compute, networking, visualization.  

Let's not reinvent the wheel and look back at catalogue of NEH grants.  

Real-time tornado forecasting helped as a demonstration project that was accessible and helped gain traction.   We need an equivalent project here.  

Could we survey the projects that have been successful and why?   And projects that are struggling and why??   

Who is asking for the cyberinfrastructure.  

In looping back to Tom's comment, look at Digital Humanities "Digging into Data (Tom's comment)" for where Internet2 could help projects already funded and underway.   Wendy -  maybe look to grant officers, Brett Bobley.  

maybe catalogue types of datasets.   Mining datasets for historical correlations.   Also, a lot of humanists don't embrace the term digital humanities, so caution about that.   Let's focus on use of data for scholarship, and not define this from an IT perspective first.   Look at scholarship, then IT.  

This resonates!  The third IEEE workshop on Big Humanities Data.   Text and data mining, social media analysis, crowd sources, big data.  

If we can characterize what the applications and scholarship are, that will help us understand how we can enable scholarship.  

Visualization is unveiling new facts about historical events.  

Internet2 could approach NEH to fund a workshop to coalesce strategies in this realm.