- Framework is needed.
- But policies in place are sometimes in conflict with the needs of research data
- Various tensions are going to be a challenge. Research data policy group feels that it owns the research data (ultimate responsibility). As a result, the researchers act as custodians, but there are greater university responsibilities regarding the data.
- Where there may be a difference between research and admin domains, lies in the rules regarding the release of data.
Drivers include Quality, student access to data, migration to a new ERP. Has led to recognition of a university-wide response.
What have you identified that needs work? How are you constituted?
- differing perspectives: gen counsel, faculty, students
- Immediately identified policy issue regarding access to data – the people authorized to grant access.
- A student focused project (hackathon) led to need to resolve questions about use and authorization to release access. Need to delegate responsibility. Counsel is reviewing policy
- Louis: looking for gov structure that balances opportunity vs risk
Limor urges anyone thinking about data governance to address research data.
How difficult is it to set up institutional data gov policy without an established repository?
- work can continue without established repository, but having an inst repository will help.
How do you deal with informal boundaries/definitions of research data?
- Leaving that to faculty. Generally defines domain as those data supporting published results.