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To have your service considered for the the Research & Scholarship (R&S) Category, a principal investigator, site administrator, technical contact, or some other responsible individual should complete and submit this web form. Be sure to read the following documents before submitting this form:

Questions? Please send email to with "R&S Application" in the subject line.

subjectR&S Application - SP
submitButtonTextSubmit Application

LargeService NameService_NametextThe name of your service is the same as the DisplayName in metadata.true

LargeOrganization NameService_OrganizationtextThe name of your organization is the same as the OrganizationName in metadata.true

LargeEntity IDEntity_IDtextYour entity ID is the same as the entityID in metadata.true

truefalseYesYesRegistered_in_Multiple_FederationsNoIs the above entity registered in multiple federations?falseNo2Multiple federations?false

LargeInformation URLInformation_URLtextYour Information URL is the same as the InformationURL in metadata.true

LargeLogin URLLogin_URLtextAny page with a Login button qualifies as the login URL of your service.

medium-long-fieldfalseStatement_of_Purpose0Statement of Purpose4 true

falseI have read the Research & Scholarship Entity Category specification and hereby declare that my service satisfies the requirements of this specification. [This must be true to comply.]YesHas_Read_RandS_Specificationfalse1Exhibit Atrue

falseMy service is operated for the purposes of supporting research and scholarship interaction, collaboration or management, at least in part. [This must be true to comply.]YesSupports_Research_and_Scholarshipfalse1Exhibit Btrue

falseMy service metadata has been submitted to InCommon and has been published in InCommon's public metadata aggregate. [This must be true to comply.]YesIs_Metadata_Submittedfalse1Exhibit Ctrue

falseMy service refreshes and verifies metadata at least daily. [This must be true to comply.]YesDoes_Metadata_Refresh_Dailyfalse1Exhibit Dtrue

falseMy service is a production SAML deployment that supports the SAML V2.0 HTTP-POST binding. [This must be true to comply.]YesIs_Production_SAML_SPfalse1Exhibit Etrue

falseMy service provides both an MDUI DisplayName and an MDUI InformationURL in metadata. [This must be true to comply.]YesHas_MDUI_Elements_in_Metadatafalse1Exhibit Ftrue

falseMy service provides both technical and administrative contacts in metadata. [A technical contract must be provided to comply.]YesHas_Contact_Info_in_Metadatafalse1Exhibit Gtrue

falseMy service provides requested attributes in metadata.YesHas_Requested_Attributes_in_Metadatafalse1Exhibit Htrue

falseThe requested attributes in metadata are a subset of the R&S attribute bundle.YesRequests_RandS_Attributes_Only(This is highly RECOMMENDED otherwise a bilateral agreement with each IdP may be required.)false1Exhibit Ifalse

falseMy service requests only those attributes required to operate the service.YesRequests_Minimal_Attributesfalse1Exhibit Jtrue

falseMy service will not use attributes for purposes that fall outside of the service definition. [This must be true to comply.]YesUses_Attributes_Responsiblyfalse1Exhibit Ktrue

falseI have read the InCommon Participation Agreement and understand that my service is bound by this Agreement (which was signed by my parent organization) and therefore my service is subject to the Privacy constraints outlined in section 9 of that document. [This must be true to comply.]YesHas_Read_Participant_Agreementfalse1Exhibit Ltrue

LargeMy NameSubmitter_Nametexttrue

LargeMy EmailSubmitter_EmailtextA copy of this application form will be sent to this email address.trueemail

LargeMy AffiliationSubmitter_AffiliationtextWhat is your affiliation with this service (PI, site administrator, technical contact, service operator, etc.)?true

* Response required

Application accepted!Thank you for applying for the Research & Scholarship category. Someone will contact you asap.
HTML Comment
This is a copy of the old form for reference:
{mail-input:type=hidden|name=subject|value=R&S Application}
h3. Service Information
*Name of my service* (i.e., the {{DisplayName}} in metadata):
*Name of the organization that owns/runs my service* (i.e., the {{OrganizationName}} in metadata):

*The entityID of my service* (to determine your {{entityID}}, browse the [entity info pages|]):

*Information URL of my service* (i.e., the {{InformationURL}} in metadata, for end users):

*Login URL of my service*:

*How my service supports research and scholarship* (2–3 sentences):


h3. Requirements

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_Read_RandS_Specification|value=Yes|required=true} I have read the [Research & Scholarship Entity Category specification|] and hereby declare that my service satisfies the requirements of this specification.

*My service meets the following basic requirements*:

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Supports_Research_and_Scholarship|value=Yes|required=true} My service is operated for the purposes of supporting research and scholarship interaction, collaboration or management, at least in part.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Is_Metadata_Submitted|value=Yes|required=true} My service metadata has been submitted to InCommon and has been published in InCommon's public metadata aggregate.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Does_Metadata_Refresh_Daily|value=Yes|required=true} My service [refreshes and verifies metadata|InCFederation:Metadata Consumption] at least daily.

*My service meets the following technical requirements*:

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Is_Production_SAML_SP|value=Yes|required=true} My service is a production SAML deployment that supports the SAML V2.0 HTTP-POST binding.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_MDUI_Elements_in_Metadata|value=Yes|required=true} My service provides both an [MDUI DisplayName|InCFederation:SPUIElements#DisplayName] and an [MDUI InformationURL|InCFederation:SPUIElements#InformationURL] in metadata.
{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_Contact_Info_in_Metadata|value=Yes|required=true} My service provides both technical and administrative [contacts in metadata|InCFederation:Contacts in Metadata].

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_Requested_Attributes_in_Metadata|value=Yes|required=true} My service provides [requested attributes|InCFederation:Requested Attributes] in metadata.

*My service meets the following privacy requirements*:

{mail-input:type=radio|name=Requests_RandS_Attributes_Only|value=Yes} Yes {mail-input:type=radio|name=Requests_RandS_Attributes_Only|value=No} No {color:red}This field is required.{color} Are the requested attributes in metadata a subset of the [R&S attribute bundle|Research and Scholarship Attribute Bundle]? (_Note_: This is highly RECOMMENDED otherwise a bilateral agreement with each IdP may be required.)

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Requests_Minimal_Attributes|value=Yes|required=true} My service requests only those attributes required to operate the service.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Uses_Attributes_Responsibly|value=Yes|required=true} My service will not use attributes for purposes that fall outside of the service definition.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_Read_Participant_Agreement|value=Yes|required=true} I have read the [InCommon Participation Agreement|] and understand that my service is bound by this Agreement (which was signed by my parent organization) and therefore my service is subject to the Privacy constraints outlined in section 9 of that document.
h3. Personal Information


*My name*:

*My email address*:

*My affiliation with this service* (PI, site administrator, technical contact, service operator, etc.):


_By pressing the "Submit Application" button, I certify that all of the above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge_.

{mail-submit:Submit Application}

{tip:title=Application Accepted!}Thank you for applying for R&S. Someone will contact you asap.{tip}