Application Form for the R&S Category for Service Providers

To have your service considered for the Research & Scholarship (R&S) Category, a principal investigator, site administrator, technical contact, or some other responsible individual should complete and submit this web form. Be sure to read the following documents before submitting this form:

Questions? Please send email to with "R&S Application" in the subject line.

* Response required

Thank you for applying for the Research & Scholarship category. Someone will contact you asap.
This is a copy of the old form for reference:
{mail-input:type=hidden|name=subject|value=R&S Application}
h3. Service Information
*Name of my service* (i.e., the {{DisplayName}} in metadata):
*Name of the organization that owns/runs my service* (i.e., the {{OrganizationName}} in metadata):

*The entityID of my service* (to determine your {{entityID}}, browse the [entity info pages|]):

*Information URL of my service* (i.e., the {{InformationURL}} in metadata, for end users):

*Login URL of my service*:

*How my service supports research and scholarship* (2–3 sentences):


h3. Requirements

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_Read_RandS_Specification|value=Yes|required=true} I have read the [Research & Scholarship Entity Category specification|] and hereby declare that my service satisfies the requirements of this specification.

*My service meets the following basic requirements*:

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Supports_Research_and_Scholarship|value=Yes|required=true} My service is operated for the purposes of supporting research and scholarship interaction, collaboration or management, at least in part.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Is_Metadata_Submitted|value=Yes|required=true} My service metadata has been submitted to InCommon and has been published in InCommon's public metadata aggregate.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Does_Metadata_Refresh_Daily|value=Yes|required=true} My service [refreshes and verifies metadata|InCFederation:Metadata Consumption] at least daily.

*My service meets the following technical requirements*:

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Is_Production_SAML_SP|value=Yes|required=true} My service is a production SAML deployment that supports the SAML V2.0 HTTP-POST binding.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_MDUI_Elements_in_Metadata|value=Yes|required=true} My service provides both an [MDUI DisplayName|InCFederation:SPUIElements#DisplayName] and an [MDUI InformationURL|InCFederation:SPUIElements#InformationURL] in metadata.
{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_Contact_Info_in_Metadata|value=Yes|required=true} My service provides both technical and administrative [contacts in metadata|InCFederation:Contacts in Metadata].

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_Requested_Attributes_in_Metadata|value=Yes|required=true} My service provides [requested attributes|InCFederation:Requested Attributes] in metadata.

*My service meets the following privacy requirements*:

{mail-input:type=radio|name=Requests_RandS_Attributes_Only|value=Yes} Yes {mail-input:type=radio|name=Requests_RandS_Attributes_Only|value=No} No {color:red}This field is required.{color} Are the requested attributes in metadata a subset of the [R&S attribute bundle|Research and Scholarship Attribute Bundle]? (_Note_: This is highly RECOMMENDED otherwise a bilateral agreement with each IdP may be required.)

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Requests_Minimal_Attributes|value=Yes|required=true} My service requests only those attributes required to operate the service.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Uses_Attributes_Responsibly|value=Yes|required=true} My service will not use attributes for purposes that fall outside of the service definition.

{mail-input:type=checkbox|name=Has_Read_Participant_Agreement|value=Yes|required=true} I have read the [InCommon Participation Agreement|] and understand that my service is bound by this Agreement (which was signed by my parent organization) and therefore my service is subject to the Privacy constraints outlined in section 9 of that document.
h3. Personal Information


*My name*:

*My email address*:

*My affiliation with this service* (PI, site administrator, technical contact, service operator, etc.):


_By pressing the "Submit Application" button, I certify that all of the above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge_.

{mail-submit:Submit Application}

{tip:title=Application Accepted!}Thank you for applying for R&S. Someone will contact you asap.{tip}