Collaborative Organization (CO) Requirements Assessment
Companion doc to Roles
See also the COmanage Glossary
Profiling your CO - culture and management | For PI/Researcher/Collaboration Coordinator |
Describe the scope of your research and collaborations. (e.g. broad with significant outreach; narrow with a focus on a single instrument or data set; open community; closed community) |
Describe how the leadership of your CO make decisions.(e.g. ad hoc; steering committee; general consensus; distributed based on topic) |
How are new services defined, developed, and promoted to the participants?(e.g. email list; newsletter; word of mouth) |
What level of authority does the CO leadership have to specify local group behaviors? |
CO Community | For PI/Researcher/Collaboration Coordinator |
Key campuses in the US? |
Any international participants or resources? |
Any other participants outside of the R&E community (e.g. commercial entities, citizen scientists) |
Key funding agencies involved? For U.S. CO - key federal agencies involved? |
Levels of assurance (LoA) requirements around the research? What is the importance of the resources being protected? |
Describe the variations of size and character of groups within the CO. |
Users, guests, and contributors | For Collaboration Coordinator/Site Administrators |
Who decides what services are given to whom, and when are those services provisioned/de-provisioned? |
What roles do people play within your CO? How consistent are the roles (e.g. researcher, data administrator, assistant, guest) across the CO, or do roles often blend? |
Who needs to be able to add people? Who is responsible for disambiguation within the registry? |
For each of the different types of people joining your CO, what is the invitation model? How are they added/invited/enrolled?(See CMP Identity Intake and CO Enrollment for some common examples) |
How do you handle changes in affiliation? (i.e. a postdoc at institution A becomes a faculty member at institution B, but expects to remain involved in the CO) |
What are your reporting requirements around the users in the CO? (e.g. real-time or batch reports for new users, FTE effort towards research for the CO) |
Do you manage or provide a CO-associated identifier (e.g. forwarding-only email address, kerberos principle, username/password)? |
Application requirements | For Collaboration Coordinator/Site Administrators |
Does your CO use or expect to use web portals or other domain science gateways? |
How do people find out about new applications available to your CO? |
Is command line and/or ssh in use? In what way/For what purpose? |
Is single sign-on (SSO) required through the applications in use? If so, are you using a certificate or key based service? How are the certificates or keys managed? |
Will data sets be stored or shared within the collaboration infrastructure? |
How are applications currently provisioned? Do you use a distributed model or rely on centralized services for provisioning? |
Are applications currently deprovisioned? If so, how? |
List other necessary domain science applications that are required for your CO. |
List other necessary collaboration tools that are required for your CO. |
Is there a preferred console for the authentication/authorization management interface? |
Do you have a need for multiple authentication models? If so, describe the models you expect and any other unique factors expressed or implied by having different models available. |
Access control | For Collaboration Coordinator/Site Administrators |
Which online resources need access controls? (e.g. data set restrictions; domain app restrictions) |
Do you use user profiles to help match users to data sets, permissions, etc.? If so, who defines these profiles, and who (users, admins, systems, etc.) populates them with attributes ? |
Do any of your participating groups or institutions use profiles (e.g. VIVO)? |
Who determines which resources need protecting? |
What type of education and outreach needs regarding access control issues does your CO have? |
Existing Middleware Infrastructure | For Site Administrators |
Describe your current identity management and authentication models. How does this differ from your ongoing plans or expectations? |
Describe your current ability to produce credentials of different LOA's. How does this differ from your ongoing plans or expectations? |
Do you use directories and registries? Describe. |
Are there specific schema that are required by your CO? |
Is eduPerson in use or required? |
Internal IT | For Site Administrators |
List the compute and data platforms (software) currently in use. |
List the collaboration platforms, if any, currently in use. |
Describe if/how your CO uses Google Apps or other outsourced collaboration environments. |
Describe any use, or expected use, of platforms like XSEDE or OSG. |
Use Case | For PI/Researcher/Collaboration Coordinator |
Describe one or two "typical" users and their expected activities and interactions with a collaboration managed environment. |