Versions Compared


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From Registry version 0.9 forward, and for all versions of all other products, Semantic Versioning will be followed.


Unless otherwise noted, all steps apply to both Match and Registry releases.

Release Candidate (#.#.0-rc.#)

The steps for the Release Candidates are the same as for the Standard Releases, up to and including the tagging of the release. Do not update the public links, and only announce informally.

Note that Config/VERSION should (for Registry) and config/VERSION (for Match) should not include the rc label, as this will break upgradeVersionShell.


  1. Check for latest version of dependent libraries and update if needed.
  2. Review open issues in JIRA for the release. All issues should be resolved (with code committed) or moved to a future release.
  3. Check for unreleased commits to hotfix. If appropriate merge into develop.
  4. For Registry: Update Config/VERSION, if not already updated, and make sure the version is defined in UpgradeVersionShell::$versions.
  5. For Match: Update config/VERSION, if not already updated.
  6. Merge develop into master (assuming you're already following both) for Registry or main for Match

    Code Block
    $ git checkout develop
    $ git pull origin
    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull origin
    $ git merge develop
    (Make sure everything looks OK)
    $ git push origin master

  7. Tag the release:

    Code Block
    $ git tag -a 0.8.5 -m 'COmanage Registry v0.8.5'
    $ git push origin 0.8.5

  8. Notify the lead of the packaging/container team of the new tag.
  9. Wait for notification from the packaging/container team that packages/images are ready.
  10. Test the release, including upgrading QA servers and installing/deploying from scratch.
  11. Update download link at Directory Installation or Registry Registry Installation - Source, or Match Installation - Source.
  12. Update TAP release page.
  13. Review Registry Data Model or Match Data Model and update the status of tables as appropriate.
  14. In JIRA, flag the release as "Released" with today's date.
  15. Update Release History.
  16. Update Homeincluding the Download link and About This Release.
  17. Update the COmanage Product Roadmap.
  18. If there are any unrelated bug fixes in the prior hotfix series (#.#-1.#), simultaneously release that as the "last maintenance release" of the previous series.
  19. Announce (to comanage-users , and comanage-announce, and comanage-community). If appropriate and approved, credit additional funding sources.


  1. Review open issues in JIRA for the release. All issues should be resolved (with code committed) or moved to a future release.
  2. Update Config/VERSION, if not already updated, and make sure the version is defined in UpgradeVersionShell::$versions.
  3. Merge changes from the hotfix release branch into master and develop (use main instead of master for Match).
    1. (warning) If master has moved on to a new minor release, do not merge into either branch. You may wish to cherry pick commits if appropriate.
  4. Tag the release from the hotfix branch (though you can also use master if you merged the hotfix branch into master):

    Code Block
    git tag -a 0.8.5 -m 'COmanage Registry v0.8.5'
    $ git push origin 0.8.5

  5. Notify the lead of the packaging/container team of the new tag.
  6. Wait for notification from the packaging/container team that packages/images are ready.
  7. Test the release, including upgrading QA servers and installing/deploying from scratch.
  8. Update download link at Directory InstallationRegistry Installation - Source, or Registry Match Installation - Source.
  9. Update TAP release page.
  10. If appropriate, flag the release in JIRA as "Released" with today's date.
  11. Create the next bug fix release in JIRA (#.#.#+1, unless there's a simultaneous feature release, in which case #.#+1.1).
  12. Update Release History.
  13. Update Homeincluding the Download link and About This Release.
  14. Update the COmanage Product Roadmap (if appropriate).
  15. Announce  (to comanage-users , and comanage-announce, and comanage-community). If appropriate and approved, credit additional funding sources.