Scalable Privacy: An NSTIC Pilot for the Identity Ecosystem
Key focus areas of the ScalePriv Project
1. Multi-Factor Authentication
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in Higher Education – MFA Cohortium and Pilots. This is the original starting page for the two key thrusts within the MFA project focus area.
- MFA Cohortium - Current primary website for the MFA Cohortium effort
2. Trust and the Attribute Ecosystem
- Attribute Ecosystem slides (working draft)
- Working flows redux
- Ways of Looking at the Attribute Ecosystem (working hyper-poem)
- A browsable Multi-Schema Attribute Registry (V1.1) has been developed as part of this project.
- Overview of the Attribute Registry
- The information is also available in the form of a spreadsheet and a Protégé ontology project.
- Motivating document: "Requirements on an Attribute Registry" (draft-johansson-areg-reqs-01)
- LoA Profile Registry
Entity Categories
- R&S Category Bundle from InCommon
- SWAMID Entity Categories
- The Entity Category Attribute Specification (draft-macedir-entity-attribute)
Periodic Table of Trust Elements
- Read Me (pdf)
- Periodic Table (pdf, draft 8-Nov-2013)
- NSTIC Principles and the Trust Elements they invoke - overview (pdf)
See - Accessibility Mark (candidate) (pdf)
- InCommon Trust Framework (candidate) (pdf)
- R&S (Research & Scholarship) Trust Mark (candidate) (pdf)
3. Citizen-Centric Schema
- Citizen-centric Overview/Latest slides (latest working draft, presented to NIST mid-May 2013)
- Citizen-centric Overview/Status slides (Feb 2013)
- Annotated Use Cases
- Accessibility Support (User-Managed Access for the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (UMA for GPII)
4. Privacy Manager
- Privacy Manager Overview/Status slides (working draft)
- CMU Tech Report, Warning Design Guidelines, Bauer et al
- Informed Consent and Privacy Management
5. Lifestyles of the Attribute Rich and Privacy Preserved
6. Anonymous Credentials
Supporting and Reference materials
Use Case Library
Useful reference documents