Information from Linda Winkler re: DCN Working Group
To date the Internet2 Dynamic Circuit Network (DCN) effort has been focused on the requirements for inter-domain control plane provisioning. The DCN Working Group has been formed to examine uses and track development of the DCN service as well as provide best practices and expectations for RONs and campuses. By participating in the DCN WG effort, you will help shape how the DCN service takes shape for the R&E community.
It is time to get to work!
We need to develop a charter, identify the scope of the working group and to compile a list of activities to begin working on. Below is a extensive list to stimulate the discussion. I welcome your suggestions. I am also soliciting your willingness to roll up your sleeves and do some heavy lifting. This working group cannot succeed without individuals willing to contribute.
Potential Working Group Scope/Work Areas
provide Internet2 input on technology directions
work with Internet2 to develop DCN functionality to meet community needs
guide development and deployment priorities
influence features/enhancements
oversee intra-domain control plane (DC) software development
oversee inter-domain control plane (IDC) software development
work with appropriate standards bodies (ITU, IETF, OIF, OGF, GLIF)
investigate implications of DCN for RONs and campus network operations
share knowledge and experience in implementing DCN
collaboratively investigate troubleshooting and operational challenges
identify testing and debugging infrastructure needs
investigate security issues (for example, access control and trust relationships)
explore relationship to production network services
capacity planning
connection validation
bring together infrastructure for testing and debugging DCN networks
explore interoperability issues
generate XML topology descriptions
last-mile problem between local computing facilities and alternate WAN paths
facilitate adoption
fault detection and handling
management plane dictates policies and procudures for authentication, authorization and usage
focus on local implementations of DCN software and interoperability with the national DCN infrastructure
develop BCP document for L2 edges
investigate policy issues (backbone, RON, campus perspective)
work with Internet2, AOAC and other entities as they are identified to recommend DCN policy to meet community needs
share business models for DCN deployment; work with the Quilt and other bodies to identify effective business models
installation procedures
provide input on user and deployment issues
identify scalability issues for RONs and campuses
APIs to make existing application calls to the DCN
how to access the webservice interface to request DCN circuits
user and application interface to the Internet2 DCN
If you are interested in working on specific aspects, please drop Linda Winkler an email <> briefly describing your background, what interests bring you to the working group, and how you would like to contribute.