The mission of the eduGAIN Policy and Community Working Group (WG) is to review and propose changes to the InCommon legal and policy framework for the purposes of supporting the eduGAIN inter federation infrastructure.This working group is sponsored by the External Relations and Governance (ERG) Subcommittee of the InCommon Steering Committee.
Wednesdays at 4:00 pm ET
Dial-in numbers:
+1-734-615-7474 PREFERRED
PIN: 0103284
Adobe Connect Session:
Preparation for the Call
To facilitate this discussion, we’d like to assemble a combined list of everyone’s “punches.” To help with this process, please submit your items using one of the following two ways:
- Add them to the google docs
- Email them to the list.
Perfect the agenda
Punch List discussion
Action Item summary and topics for next call
Current Work
Documentation Google Doc:
InCommon Joining eduGAIN: A Discussion of the Issues
- Participation Agreement:
- Federation Operating Policies and Practices:
- eduGAIN Documenta and InCommon
Parking Lot
Introduction to InCommon and Trust (pptx slides)