InPROCESSeduGAIN Policy and Community Working Group Meeting Notes

September 10, 2014


Warren Anderson, LIGO/UW-Milwaukee
Donald Beck - Davidson County Community College
Steven Carmody - Brown University 
Chris Holmes - Baylor University
Tracy Mitrano - InCommon
Theresa Semmens - North Dakota State (chair)
Von Welch - Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research
Ann West - InCommon


Craig Jackson
John Krienke - InCommon

Susan Blair - University of Florida
Von Welch,

Bill Yock - University of Washington


Theresa asked Ann to lead the group through the Federation Operating Policies and Practices Summary. Issues that came up included:

1. Adding the usual references to role of organization

4. Eligibility Criteria for who can participate in InCommon

7.1 Definition of identity and service providers

7.2 Definigion of owndership of participant-provided services

7.3.1 Enforcing the POP (to be added to the report as a Note Bene)

7.3.2 Metadata

8. Dispute Resolution may be an issue

9. Needs review by InCommon Ops

10. Suspension or withdrawal or Termination by eduGAIN Participants?

Next Warren, Steven and Ann discussed a few slides on the eduGAIN structure and documents. 

Geant, which is a provider of netowrk services that tie together the national EU R&E networks also runs the eduGAIN service. GEANT appoints the eduGAIn Executive Committee to which the group of federation operators, called the eduGAIN Steering Group makes recommendations. 

Issues that arose during the eduGAIn discussion includes;

Steven/TAC - AI

- SCHAC schema: eduGAIN reccomends that Identity Providers add 3 new attributes to their local schema. What does InCommon want to recommend to campuses? Steven/TAC - AI

- eduGAIN also uses two metadata tags which inCommon doesn't recognise: isRequired and a slightly different mdui tag. What does InCommon want to reccomend to campsues? Steven/TAC - AI

- What should InCommon recommend/require for eduGAIn metdata consumption? How should IdP's configure their systems?

Traci - AI What dispute resolution process should we use? 

How are the broader InCommon concerns going to be heard in the eduGAIN governance?

Next Steps

Develop a punch list of items you think we need to address.

Add them to the docs? Send them to Ann

The group will pick up there next week on September 17th at 4:00 pm ET. 

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