A joint meeting on mobility (heavily influence with adoration from Mobility Day at TNC) will take place on Monday September 18th 2023 at Internet2 Technology Exchange.  Mobility Day is a (hopefully) annual event, covering topics including eduroam, mobile networks, 4G, 5G, WiFi 6(e), Internet of Things, Low Power WAN, Passpoint/Hotspot 2.0 and other mobility related topics.
Mobility Day is supported by the eduroam-US Advisory Committee (eAC).

Please register for the event at: https://internet2.edu/2023-internet2-technology-exchange/registration/ 

Meeting Agenda

1-4:30pm Central Daylight Time (UTC -5)


1:00-1:10WelcomeBrett Bieber, Chair, eduroam-US Advisory Committee
1:10-1:40eduroam is Global: Connecting with the Broader CommunityChris Phillips, CANARIESlides
1:45-2:00eduroam in K12

Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska 

Becca Kingery, State of Nebraska

Amanda Molinari, Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN)

2:05-2:35State of the Standards: What’s happening at IETF, IEEE, and CA/B ForumMark Donnelly, Painless SecuritySlides
2:35-2:45Refreshment BreakCanada will provide cookie(s)
2:45-3:15eduroam2goAmanda Molinari, Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN)
3:20-3:50Private LTE on Campus

Nash Higgins, Texas A&M

Jim Jokl, University of Virginia

3:55-4:05 Internet2 geteduroam internal pilotMing Ho, Internet2
4:10-4:30Fireside chat with the eAC

Brett Bieber, Chair, eduroam-US Advisory Committee

Rob Gorrell, UNC Greensboro, eduroam-US Advisory Committee

4:30ClosingBrett Bieber, Chair, eduroam-US Advisory Committee

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