CTAB  Call Wed. June 6, 2018


  • Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (chair)  
  • David Bantz, University of Alaska 
  • Tom Barton, University Chicago and Internet2  
  • Chris Hable, University of Michigan  
  • Chris Whalen, NIH, NIAID 
  • Ann West, Internet2 
  • Emily Eisbruch, Internet2    


  • Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft (vice chair)  
  • Ted Hanss, University of Michigan
  •  Joanna Rojas, Duke
  •  Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison 

New Action Item

[AI]   TomB create a possible scenario for dispute resolution table top exercise

 Action Items from previous calls:

  • [AI]  Ann draft a handful of processes to escalate who to contact first. Erin can help.
    • Consider pulling in the community to reach out to “delinquent” folks
    • Share graphs monthly and highlight those that will be focused on.
  • [AI]  Ann revise the strawman draft to tackle campuses/orgs and drive up “compliance”  


Baseline Expectations Newsletter for May 2018 

Transition Plan to Baseline 

    • Suggestion to focus on / prioritize SPs with large number of entities ( big research VOs) in the transition.  
      • Reason: High visibility, driving big numbers.
    • About 65% of orgs do not yet meet baseline expectations
    • Ann: two contractors will be working part-time to contact orgs that are not meeting baseline
      •  the goals will be to determine what the barriers are and what their timeframes are for meeting the expectations.
      • Contractors will reach out to the orgs not in compliance over the summer and report back to CTAB probably in Sept. 
    • In some cases we hope that  converting one org could have ripple effect.  
    • Idea of Hall of Fame / Shame
    • Would be good to make inroads starting with R&S institutions. 
    • Plan is over summer to publish lists of those “flipping” to be in BE compliance and in August to start publish those “not yet flipped”
    • If all of certain categories are in compliance this is a win we can announce.
    • From outreach phone calls, We hope to learn more about the Shib v2 issue and how we can help orgs struggling with the Shib v2 issue  

BE Status Report 

  • Progress is being made 
  • Committee reviewed detailed list of compliance by entity, and graphs of progress

  Baseline Expectation Community Consensus Process

  • Brett  has resolved all comment in this doc. except for the question around how to handle BE v2.  We may punt on that for now. 
  • Brett also updated the diagram now included in the document 

Consultation for BE Community Consensus Process  - Open June 12- July 17

Internet2 Collaboration Platform

  • Bill K walked through the diagram with Bill Kaufman, who is working on the Internet2 Collab. Platform.
  • Bill drafted a  doc on how that would work within the COmanage instance.
  • Brett will forward that to CTAB.

    Hope for a demo from BillK soon around COmanage.  

Table top exercise around supporting baseline and dispute resolution

  • Brett is planning table top exercise
  • Will be scheduled within next month or so
  • Could take a few hours 
  •  [AI]  TomB create a possible scenario for dispute resolution table top exercise
  • Include a few people from InCommon Operations
  • Perhaps will do a Doodle poll to find the best time
  • Good first topic: Shib v2 issues

Monthly Assurance Calls - Should they be continued?

  • Should CTAB try to continue monthly assurance calls? 
  • These monthly calls are mentioned in the “Stay Informed’ Box on the right on the Assurance wiki:
    • If we want to have calls in the future around BE, we can brand them differently

REFEDS Consultations

Next CTAB Call: Wed, June 20, 2018



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