Notes and Action Items, CTAB Call of 3-Jan-2018
- Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (chair)
- Tom Barton, U. Chicago and Internet2
- Joanna Rojas, Duke
- Ted Hanss, University of Michigan
- Dean Woodbeck, Internet2
- Ann West, Internet2
- Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
Action Items:
[AI] (Brett) will reach out to the CTAB nominees to discuss with them on what the role involves.
[AI] (Brett) will reach out to small schools re participation on the CTAB
CTAB Recruitment - open until Jan 5, 2018
CTAB Consultation
- TomB responded to the JackS comment on consultation
- Brett will respond to the NathanD comment on consultation
- [AI] (Brett) will email the lists saying consultation is closed and when CTAB charter should be finalized by Steering (Done)
Participant Agreement and FOPP changes (Ann)
- Sent suggested Participant Agreement and FOPP changes to Internet2 Legal for their legal review.
- Hope to have formal drafts for review in a couple of weeks.
Baseline Expectation Communications
See wiki page Baseline Expectations for Trust in Federation
- Dean, TomB and others have developed communications plan around baseline.
- [AI] (Dean) email the AAC with the documents to review (Done)
- Feedback from AAC needed by COB Jan 8, 2018
- -Baseline Expectation communication to InC Execs - send date Jan. 10
- Dean will shorten this “communication to InC Execs” doc,
- “Communication to InC Execs” doc - Points to intent paper and baseline for execs doc
- These documents will be final as of Jan. 8 -point to them in the Jan. 10 email
- BE Intent Paper:
- Sponsor: Ann West.
- Authors:, Brett, TomB., Dean Woodbeck, Ann West
- Doc Repository ID: TI.95.1 (doc is not yet in the repository, but number has been assigned)
- “Baseline for Execs” (table)
- Dean will make BE Intent Paper and Baseline for Execs into PDFs and link them from the website
Wiki page on Implementing BE in InC Metadata
- should go in the Trust and Identity documnent respository eventually as “Recommendations and Guidelines"
- but hold off for now on providing a doc repository ID
- Brett suggests that some of the details on that wiki page (pixels, etc) should be removed for now.
- TomB will provide that feedback to DaveS
There will be some documents referencing AAC that need to be updated to reference CTAB instead.
Webinars (not branded as IAM Online, these webinars are more InCommon focused)
See blog listing webinars:
- Jan., Feb. and March 2018
- Would be helpful to display baseline in a different light. Speak to the vision.
- [AI] (Dean) will draft a rough outline of the webinar series and share with Brett
- Execs may say “I don’t have a privacy policy” and “I can’t share logo”
- we need to provide strategies for these issues
- Jan 24, 2018, 2pm ET - InCommon Baseline Expectations for Trust in Federation
- IdP and SP Expectations - aim at Execs, cover dispute resolution process
- On the webinar: Brett, Nick (for coming attractions promo-ing the Feb. 21 webinar on health check) (AI) Dean contact Nick Roy about his role on Jan 24 webinar <=Done and Nick will attend
- Feb. 21, 2018, 2pm ET - InCommon Baseline Expectations for Trust in Federation -
Metadata Health Checks - March 7, 2018, 2pm ET - InCommon Baseline Expectations for Trust in Federation - InCommon Participation Agreement changes
- Of interest to CIOs
Baseline Expectations Roadmap:
When do we need
- Finalized CTAB Charter
- CTAB Slate/roster
Probable Timetable
- March InC Steering meeting will look at legal doc changes (PA and FOPP)
- Possibly Steering can’t vote until new chair for Steering is chosen
- Steering provisionally accepted revised CTAB charter already, barring major changes, of which there were none during the consultation.
- But Steering must approve the CTAB roster
- CTAB will want to select a co-chair to serve with Brett
- 2018 is Brett’s last year on AAC / CTAB
- Brett will reach out to the nominees for CTAB
- [AI] Brett will do outreach around consultation closing and the fact that we are still accepting nominations until Friday Jan 5. (done)
FICAM/Trust Framework Solution News
- Received confirmation that Tom’s response was received.
Next AAC call: Wed. Jan. 17, 2018