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Baseline Expectations Health Checks
InCommon performs periodic metadata health checks to share Baseline Expectation adoption progress statistics with participants. To find out how you and your peers are doing, check the Baseline Expectations Adherence by Organization list.
If you would like to find out details about your organization's Baseline Expectations status, please contact
Baseline Expectations Dashboard - July 17, 2019
About Baseline Expectations
The InCommon Community Trust and Assurance Board hosted a webinar on October 11, 2018 to review Baseline Expectations. The webinar provides an overview of the Baseline Expectations initiative, schedule, and a demo of the Federation Manager, the software Participants use to manage metadata.
Download the slides (PDF)
Foundational Documents
Baseline Expectations for Trust in Federation - This core Baseline Expectations document establishes three short lists of expectations expressed at a high level.
Process to Maintain Baseline Expectations by InCommon and its Members - This document defines several processes by which InCommon and InCommon Participants will hold each other accountable for meeting Baseline Expectations.