Notes and Action Items, AAC Call of 11-Oct-2017
- Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (chair)
- Tom Barton, U. Chicago
- Chris Whalen, NIH / NIAID
- Ann West, Internet2
- Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
Action Items
[AI] (Brett) draft a proposal for 2018 Global Summit around Baseline Expectations
[AI] (Brett) draft an updated AAC charter
[AI] (Tom) ask new campus interested in bronze certification the bronze survey questions
AI] (Ann) prepare quick list of InCommon participants in various buckets based on the InCommon fee structure. Done
[AI] (Ann) consult with Internet2 Legal Dept. about the InCommon FOPP and InCommon Participation Agreement changes suggested for Baseline Expectations (Ann will work on this after 2017 TechEx)
[AI] (Brett) move some of the details (regarding contacts/metadata and process to notify InCommon Community) to an operational appendix in the Draft Processes to Implement and Maintain Baseline Expectations (Brett started this)
[AI] (Brett) make additional updates to the Diagram, Community Dispute Resolution Process
[AI] (Tom) develop guiding principles for dispute resolution process
[AI] (Brett) develop thought piece for InCommon Steering regarding approach around supporting available profiles
Community Assurance Call of Oct. 4, 2017 on Refocusing Community Guidance of InCommon's Trust Programs: Baseline and Bronze
- Brett presented an excellent overview of refocusing the AAC. About 20 people joined on the call
- Slides and recording are here:
- There was some interest expressed in the bronze profile as a checklist. However, If having a checklist is the primary benefit to the community of the bronze profile, then there is probably not sufficient benefit to the InCommon Assurance program to updating to SP 800-63-3, given the effort involved. A checklist can be used without the effort of updating to SP 800-63-3.
Updating the AAC Charter and Recruiting New AAC Members
- Brett is working on proposed updates to the AAC charter.
- There has been a suggestion to change the name of the InCommon Assurance program, to a new name indicating the broader work around trust issues for the federation.
InCommon Steering Call of Oct 9, 2017
- There was discussion on Oct. 9, 2017 Steering call of the AAC and its recent work. Brett shared the responses from the Bronze Profile survey that Tom Barton conducted. Brett stated on the Steering call that the AAC does not yet have recommendations on the future of the FICAM profiles
- Questions included thinking about implications of the possible approach of bringing the Assurance program to a close and about implications of not renewing with FICAM, not pursuing SP 800-63-3
- There is interest in the HE community in SP 800-171 (FISMA)
Baseline Expectations
- Communication planning
- It is important to use correct terminology to help clarify that Baseline Expectations is not a compliance framework. Rather, the community is telling ourselves that baseline expectations is an important investment.
- There is a new wiki space for baseline expectations information:
- There will also be a BE web page, but it will link to his wiki
- There will be poster (winter is coming) at TechEx with a QR code that links to this wiki page
- It was suggested to have AAC members write blog posts on the importance of one of the metadata elements. For example, perhaps a blog on the security contact or logo metadata element would be helpful to the community.
- InCommon Ops planning for baseline expectations
- InCommon Metadata Requirements around baseline expectations are being looked at closely by InCommon Ops
- InCommon Metadata Requirements around baseline expectations are being looked at closely by InCommon Ops
Global Summit 2018
- Dean asked Brett if the AAC would like a presentation around Baseline Expectations at 2018 Global Summit. The thinking is that most likely yes and Brett should draft a proposal.
- [AI] (Brett) draft a proposal for 2018 Global Summit around Baseline Expectations
- [AI] (Brett) draft a proposal for 2018 Global Summit around Baseline Expectations
Attributes for Collaboration and Federation Working Group
- Brett, Tom, and Ted are participating in the new Attributes for Collaboration and Federation Working Group
- First call is Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017
- There is also a meeting of this working group at TechEx on Tuesday afternoon Oct. 17
Next AAC call - Wed Oct. 25, 2017 at 4pm ET