Release V2.0.0
Federation Manager v2.0.0 - initial release to introduce lightweight UI changes to the part of the interface that InCommon staff uses, improve performance and integrate with our new continuous integration and staging environment.
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 2
Effort (Person-weeks): 10
Status : Completed/delivered in production May 2017
Release V2.1.0
Federation Manager v2.1.0 - introduce similar lightweight UI changes to the Site Administrator and Delegated Administrator Interfaces. This will improve the superficial look and feel of the UI, and introduce newer technology to facilitate future changes.
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 3
Effort (Person-weeks): 17
Status : Completed/delivered in production August 2017
Release V3.0.0
Federation Manager v3.0.0 - Develop and deploy the initial version of the dashboard for the Site Administrator. This will provide access to Identity Providers and Service Providers directly from the dashboard without the necessity to select a link first from the left navigation.
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 4
Effort (Person-weeks): 5.5 (42-45 story points + catch-up time - 4 weeks clock time)
Resources 25 hrs/week of dev time from AJ; QA/technical assistance from Analyst 4-7 hrs/week; Developer management 5-10 hrs/week; UI/UX designer look/feel iterative support, final review of site, tweaks 5-10 hrs/week; I2 project sponsorship, miscellaneous tasks 4 hrs/week; I2 PM support 1-2 hrs/week; I2 DevOps support 2 hrs/week
Status: Completed/delivered in production September 2017
Release V3.0.1 + 3.0.2
Federation Manager v3.0.1 and v3.0.2 - Develop and deploy identified bug fix IFMC-420. This will provide the bug fix for the inability to add notes to entities in the approval queue.
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 1
Effort (Person-weeks): 1 Day
Resources Minor development team effort.
Status: Completed/delivered in production October 5, 2017
Release V3.1.0
Federation Manager v3.1.0 - Develop and deploy an updated view page for the Identity Provider and Service Provider metadata. This will provide an improved view of the metadata by providing more distinction between sections. Update Rails minor version to latest pre-5 release.
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 2
Effort (Person-weeks): 4 (~3 weeks clock time)
Resources 25 hrs/week of dev time from AJ; QA/technical assistance from Analyst 4-7 hrs/week; Developer management 5-10 hrs/week; UI/UX designer look/feel iterative support, final review of site, tweaks 5-10 hrs/week; I2 project sponsorship, miscellaneous tasks 4 hrs/week; I2 PM support 1-2 hrs/week; I2 DevOps support 2 hrs/week
Status: Completed/delivered in production November 2017
Release V3.2.0
Federation Manager v3.2.0 - Develop and deploy Implement the ability for System Administrators to select the SIRTFI entity attribute when adding an Identity Provider.
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 4
Effort (Person-weeks): 2 weeks (~2 weeks clock time) / Need to be verified / Estimated as of 10/5
Resources TBD / 25 hrs/week of dev time from AJ; QA/technical assistance from Analyst 4-7 hrs/week; Developer management 5-10 hrs/week; UI/UX designer look/feel iterative support, final review of site, tweaks 5-10 hrs/week; I2 project sponsorship, miscellaneous tasks 4 hrs/week; I2 PM support 1-2 hrs/week; I2 DevOps support 2 hrs/week
Status: Completed/delivered in production November 20, 2017
Release V3.2.1
Federation Manager v3.2.0 - Refactor Model, Routes, and Manage Controller code and create the baseline refactored code that FM will use moving forward. In addition, automated testing processes and tests will be developed to ensure code coverage and (over time) improving the velocity for the development of new features / subsequent release.
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 8
Effort (Person-weeks): 8 weeks (~11 weeks clock time, including vacation time and holiday)
Resources: 25 hrs/week of dev time from AJ; QA/technical assistance from Analyst 4-7 hrs/week; Developer management 5-10 hrs/week; I2 project sponsorship, miscellaneous tasks 4 hrs/week; I2 PM support 1-2 hrs/week; I2 DevOps support 5-10 hrs/week
Status: Completed/delivered in production January 30, 2018
Release V3.2.2
Federation Manager v3.2.2 - Emergency Bug Fix Release:
- IFMC-582 - Published IdP does not appear in Site Admin's list
- IFMC-587 - Unhandled exception: "NoMethodError (undefined method `contact_person' for nil:NilClass): app/controllers/manage_controller.rb:1119:in `delete_idp_contact_person'"
- IFMC-538 - Gems not installed in staging
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 5
Effort (Person-weeks): 1 week (~2 weeks clock time, including vacation time and holiday; Goal is to launch during middle of January 2018)
Resources: 8 hrs of dev time from AJ; QA/technical assistance from Analyst 1-2 hrs/week; Developer management 1 hour; I2 project sponsorship, miscellaneous tasks 0.5 hr; I2 PM support 0 hrs/week; I2 DevOps support 0.5 hrs/week
Status: Completed /delivered in production January 31, 2018
Release V3.2.3
Federation Manager v3.2.3 - Emergency Bug Fix Release:
- IFMC-645 - Organization roles export doesn't identify inactive roles
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 2
Effort (Person-weeks): 2 hours (~1 day clock time, including vacation time and holiday; Goal is to launch immediately)
Resources: 3 hrs of dev time from AJ; QA/technical assistance from Analyst 0.5 - 1.0 hours hrs; Developer management 0 hour; I2 project sponsorship, miscellaneous tasks 0.5 hr; I2 PM support 0 hrs/week; I2 DevOps support 0.5 hrs/week
Status: Completed /delivered in production February 13, 2018
Release V3.2.4
Federation Manager v3.2.4 - Emergency Bug Fix Release:
- [IFMC-646] - Attempting to delete an SP returns the error "cannot be deleted, please ask your Site Admin to remove"
- [IFMC-685] - Rake db:setup fails to create development user with a blank phone number
Priority: Critical priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production March 29, 2018
Release V3.3.0 / Certificates (IFMC-362) (aka Sequence_UH8 / Theme: Certificates)
Federation Manager Sequence_UH8 - Change certificate handling to include:
- Change link from the dashboard to only show a certificate list
- Change the Identity Provider certificate process to mirror the Service Provider certificate process
- Remove certificate processing manual processes from the RA - replace with an automated function to notify SAs of expiring certificates
- Provide an expiring certificate section on the Site Administrator dashboard
- Add functionality for both Identity Provider and Service Provider to have certificates assigned with types of Signing and/or Encryption
Complexity (1-10, 10 is highest): 5
Effort (Person-weeks): 4 weeks (~7 weeks clock time, including vacation time and holiday)
Resources: 6 weeks development / 25 hrs/week of dev time from AJ; QA/technical assistance from Analyst 4-7 hrs/week; Developer management 5-10 hrs/week; I2 project sponsorship, miscellaneous tasks 4 hrs/week; I2 PM support 1-2 hrs/week; I2 DevOps support 5-10 hrs/week
Status: Completed /delivered in production April 11, 2018
Release V3.3.1
Federation Manager v3.3.1 - Emergency Bug Fix Release:
- [IFMC-698] - ActionView::Template::Error (Asset was not declared to be precompiled in production.)
- [IFMC-672] - Refactor User methods site_administrator? and tech_contact?
Priority : Critical priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production April 12, 2018
Release V3.3.2
Federation Manager v3.3.2 - Emergency Bug Fix Release:
- [IFMC-580] - Unhandled exception: "An ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError occurred in login#login"
- [IFMC-700] - ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"create_inc_registration", :controller=>"admin"}
- [IFMC-706] - RA unable to reset user password
- [IFMC-710] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `organization_id' for nil:NilClass
Priority : Critical priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production April 24, 2018
Release V3.4.0
Federation Manager v3.4.0 - Emergency Bug Fix Release. This release contains significant improvements for Delegated Administrators, in addition to other minor improvements and bug fixes. A Delegated Administrator may now create a Service Provider for later approval and submission by the Site Administrator.
Bug Fixes
[IFMC-694] - Registration Authority unable to create InCommon registration link if the contact doesn't have a phone number defined
- [IFMC-696] - Delegated Administrator unable to create new SP
- [IFMC-697] - Delegated Administrator unable to edit SP
- [IFMC-711] - Authorization? the method breaks when org is not present
- [IFMC-712] - Unable to access registration link
- [IFMC-714] - Unable to join via the registration link
- [IFMC-716] - Unable to update SP
- [IFMC-368] - Implement an Expiring Certificates Section on the SA Dashboard
Priority: Critical priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production April 30, 2018
Release V3.4.1
Federation Manager v3.4.1 - Emergency Bug Fix Release:
Priority: Critical priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production May 1, 2018
Release V3.4.2
Federation Manager v3.4.2 - Emergency Bug Fix Release.
- [IFMC-743] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `attr_consuming_services' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-744] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `inc_execs' for nil:NilClass
Priority: High priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production May 21, 2018
Release V3.5.1
Implement the processing required for the individual fields included in Baseline Expectations as defined in Implementing Baseline Expectations in InCommon Metadata. Any errors identified will be provided as a warning only at this time.
Technical Debt Targeted:
Complexity: (1-10, 10 is highest): 6
Effort: (Person-weeks): 4 weeks (~3 weeks clock time, including vacation time and holiday)
Resources: 20 hours BA, 10 hours business process owner, 10 hours designer, 2 weeks development, 1-week testing
Status: Completed/delivered in production May 30, 2018
Supports Project: Baseline Expectations
Bug Fixes
- IFMC-765 - NoMethodError: undefined method `password=' for nil:NilClass
- IFMC-552 - Refactor Model Specs - AttrConsumingServices Specs
- IFMC-782 - Modify Override for Baseline Expectations
- IFMC-677 -Implement Display-Processing of Baseline Expectations for IdP Update User Interface Elements
- IFMC-681 - Implement Display-Processing of Baseline Expectations for SP Update User Interface Elements
- IFMC-689 - Implement Display-Processing of Baseline Expectations for IdP Update Contacts
- IFMC-690 - Implement Display-Processing of Baseline Expectations for SP Update Contacts
- IFMC-673 - Implement Display of Baseline Expectations for SP User Interface Elements
- IFMC-675 - Implement Display of Baseline Expectations for SP Contacts
- IFMC-660 - Implement Display of Baseline Expectations for IdP User Interface Elements
- IFMC-674 - Implement Display of Baseline Expectations for IdP Contacts
- IFMC-684 - Implement Baseline Expectations for Add SP User Interface Elements
- IFMC-687 - Implement Baseline Expectations for Add SP Contacts
- IFMC-683 - Implement Baseline Expectations for Add IdP User Interface Elements
- IFMC-686 - Implement Baseline Expectations for Add IdP Contacts
- IFMC-781 - Fix Jenkins FM memory allocation error
- IFMC-740 - Create current-state API specification
- IFMC-762 - Baseline UI updates for an Sp without a Display Name
Priority: High priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production May 29, 2018
Release V3.6.0
Federation Manager v3.6.0 - This is a standard deployment of the Federation Manager application. This release primarily addressed UI feedback from Site Administrators.
Bug Fixes
- IFMC-794 - ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to update a stale object: Sp
- IFMC-736 - ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"edit_certs", :attr_authority_id=>nil, :controller=>"idps/attr_authori...
- IFMC-760 - Unable to create new user
- IFMC-783 - ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Username can't be blank
- IFMC-791 - api certificate verify failure not rescued
- IFMC-794 - ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to update a stale object: Sp
- IFMC-543 - Refactor Model Specs - Organization Specs
- IFMC-793 - Implement API key authentication for admin API routesPriority: Normal Priority
- IFMC-766 - Modify SIRTFI Comment
- IFMC-770 - Add Cancel Buttons to All Update Pages
- IFMC-771 - Validate Breadcrumbs for SA Admin
- IFMC-784 - Remove Request Attribute Confirmation
- IFMC-787 - 500 error page should include Internet2 branding and help links
Priority: Normal Priority
Status: Completed / delivered in production June 27, 2018
Release V3.7.0
Federation Manager v3.7.0 - This is a standard deployment of the Federation Manager application.
- [IFMC-434] - Implement RA Page Framework
- [IFMC-435] - Implement Standard Page Header Section for RA Admin Pages
- [IFMC-438] - Implement Submitted Metadata List on RA Home Page
- [IFMC-439] - Implement Approved Metadata List on RA Home Page
- [IFMC-745] - Make it easier to add multiple ACS endpoints
- [IFMC-763] - remove Update IdP SP session dependency
- [IFMC-786] - Require a valid URL for the entity name when creating a new SP or IdP
- [IFMC-833] - Add person contact information to API output
Bug Fixes
Priority: Normal Priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production July 24, 2018
Release V3.8.0
Federation Manager v3.8.0 - This is a standard deployment of the Federation Manager application.
Bug Fixes
[IFMC-857] - ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"add_admin", :controller=>"registration"}
- [IFMC-926] - NameError: undefined local variable or method `admin_path' for #<LoginController:0x007fa24131dfb8>
- [IFMC-995] - Changing SP Key Use does not cause a change in the key use in metadata
- [IFMC-996] - Make created registration URL view page text further indented
Priority: Normal Priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production August 7, 2018
Release V3.9.0
Federation Manager v3.9.0 - This is a standard deployment of the Federation Manager application.
- [IFMC-820] - Allow RA staff to update usernames
- [IFMC-1061] - Update Link Formatting in Left Nav
- [IFMC-856] - Remove POP Link from RA View and SA View
- [IFMC-846] - Update Sps Controller Spec Coverage for SAs
- [IFMC-1022] - RA pages -- collapsable sections for People and Orgs
- [IFMC-1031] - Update email that goes to new Site Admins
Bug Fixes
Priority: Normal Priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production September 18, 2018
Release V3.10.0
Federation Manager v3.10.0 - Rework RA functions - Metadata Approval (Does not include Auto-Approval of Metadata)
Provide the base format for the new RA Homepage including:
- Standard header
- Standard left navigation
- The body of the page providing for the definition of different sections to provide items of interest for RAs
- Provide new metadata approval process:
- New RA Dashboard Sections
- Submitted Metadata (Pending)
- Approved Metadata
- Updated metadata approval page to provide a better view of data reviewed by RAs
[IFMC-573] - Implement Metadata Actions
[IFMC-601] - Define Metadata Approval
[IFMC-656] - Define RA Home Page for Metadata Approval
[IFMC-709] - Implement Updated Left Navigation for RA Admin
[IFMC-734] - Refactor user attr_accessor on Sp
[IFMC-821] - Refactor Entity Status
[IFMC-1020] - Align display of IdP and SP status for SA and RA
[IFMC-1047] - Add a DELETED status to state machine for an entity where Idp/SP has been deleted
[IFMC-1121] - Test CRUD actions with new metadata process
[IFMC-1122] - Refine "Pipeline States" for entities
[IFMC-1125] - Remove unused /entities routes
[IFMC-1127] - keep entity export status page
[IFMC-1133] - Drop Md model
[IFMC-1138] - Refactor/Update methods for local metadata
[IFMC-1149] - Update Shibboleth 2.x to Shibboleth in list of SP Server Software options in new SP view
Bug Fixes
[IFMC-1059] - ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::InvalidTextRepresentation: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "review"
[IFMC-1129] - Prevent duplicate discovery response endpoint indexes from being created / fix one that has dupes
[IFMC-1139] - Bypassing SIRTFI security contact control
Priority: Normal Priority
Status: Completed /delivered in production October 29, 2018
Release V3.11.0
Federation Manager v3.11.0 - Reassignment of Metadata to A Different Org
Status: Completed /delivered in production November 5, 2018