This is Penn's experience implementing the Grouper organization hierarchy.
This is the size of our org implementation:
- 27,000 people in orgs at Penn
- 2,200 orgs (700 leaf nodes, 1500 rollup nodes)
- 3,000 org groups (more due to include/exclude lists)
- 500,000 org memberships (there are a lot due to the rollups, and include/exclude lists)
- Org loader: 1 minute 20 seconds (after the first load), which equates to 630 groups and 24000 immediate memberships per minute
- Rollup loader: 1 minute 40 seconds (after first load), which equates to 1000 groups per minute
- Center loader: 40 seconds
- Consultant loader (currently one group managed): 4 seconds
General approach
- We have a view of orgs and parent id's, and a view of assignments of org to person
- Since we want the orgs in a tree structure in Grouper, and the loader expects the group_name matched with person id, we use the built-in grouper hook on pre-run of loader job, to take the org table and calculate the hierarchical group names. You could do this part a variety of ways, including a db function (e.g. PLSQL for oracle)
- The builtin hook keeps the group names in grouperorgs_hierarchical table (ddlutils will auto-create this table). The most important part of this table is the parent stem name col
- There are a few loader jobs:
- One that manages all the leaf node orgs groups (assigns people to org groups)
- One that manages all the non-leaf rollup nodes (assigns orgs to parent org groups)
- One that manages Penn "centers" which are our high level organizations (assigns direct center children orgs to center groups)
- One that manages contractor groups. We dont have contractors assigned in our org structure, so we manage them through attributes in our person database. Then we can manually make other groups next to the org rollup which includes the org rollup and the contractor group
- We will run all these jobs once daily after our payroll jobs run
- Grouper include/exclude automatically creates include and exclude lists which are tacked on to the system of record group. This is useful in loader jobs since the loader system of record list is resynced with the DB query with each run, so manual changes will be undone. Penn actually only needs "include" lists, not exclude at this point (use case is VP's are in a different org than the org they manage, so we want to add them in). So we will have include/exclude groups on the rollup groups, the centers groups, and the contractor groups. We dont think we will need them on the leaf nodes, though if we have a need later, we can add it in. The reason not to do this is performance, it creates a bunch more groups and memberships.
Here are the steps to creating a loader SQL_GROUP_LIST job:
- First of all, you should prefer using views, and simply put simple select from the view in the loader config. It is also easy to tell what the loader is going to do without hunting through the loader configs, and easy to make changes at runtime (though I believe the loader allows runtime query changes as well)
- Note: if you are using include/exclude, then the group names should have the system of record suffix which is configured in the
- Make a view of groups where each row represents a group.
- There is a col for the group name, display name (optional), description (optional), and security (e.g. readers, viewers, etc: optional)
- This view will set these attributes of group and auto-create groups which have no members (might be useful for orgs since apps can refer to groups which have no members)
- Note: if you can give groups a unique suffix in the stem structure, then the job can use the setting "grouperLoaderGroupsLike" which will delete groups which are no longer in the group list
- Make the query which returns the subjectId (and sourceId if not the default loader source), and group name
- For leaf nodes, this is generally a simple query that assigns people to org groups
- For rollup nodes, this can be a little complex.
- First of all, you might union the direct rollup children with the direct rollup leaf nodes
- The subjectId for groups is the group_id. for Grouper 1.4, you can join to the grouper_attributes table. For 1.5 you can simply join to the grouper_groups table. In both, you can join to grouper_groups_v if you like. What I did for 1.4 is: grouper_attributes ga, grouper_fields gf where gf.NAME = 'name' AND gf.ID = ga.field_id and ga.VALUE = ocrv.MEMBER_GROUP_NAME. I would definitely keep these query in a view.
- You should also specify the source id for groups: 'g:gsa' as SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID
- Configure the config group for each loader job. I put this next to the top level loaded stem. I generally do this in GSH, though you could also do this in the UI
- Kick off the loader job manually in GSH so you can verify the results without waiting for the cron to run
- Restart your loader so it picks up the new job
Person orgs (leaf nodes)
- Lets make a function which strips out special chars:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE AUTHZADM.authzadm_pkg AS FUNCTION remove_special_chars (the_input varchar2) RETURN varchar2; END authzadm_pkg; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY AUTHZADM.authzadm_pkg AS FUNCTION remove_special_chars (the_input varchar2) RETURN varchar2 AS the_string varchar2(4000); BEGIN --take out anything not alphanumeric, space, underscore, or dash the_string := REGEXP_REPLACE(the_input, '[^a-zA-Z0-9 _\-]', ''); the_string := trim(the_string); return the_string; END; END authzadm_pkg; /
* Implement the view of orgs. Note, in the view you can easily use unions in the sql to end the hierarchy at a different node. At first we were going to do this, then we decided against it. However, you will see that we do filter out certain branches and nodes. Also note we shorten the names of some top level nodes.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_LIST_V (ORG_NAME, ORG_DISPLAY_NAME, ORG_DESCRIPTION, PARENT_ID, PAYROLL_FLAG, CENTER_CODE, CENTER_NAME, center_code_assign) AS select trim(organization_code) org_name, decode(organization_code, 'UNIV', 'Penn', 'NOTU', 'Not Acad', 'TOPU', 'Top', authzadm_pkg.remove_special_chars(nvl(oc.description, oc.ORG_SHORT_NAME))) org_display_name, authzadm_pkg.remove_special_chars(nvl(oc.description, oc.ORG_SHORT_NAME)) org_description, trim(parent_org_code) parent_id, oc.PAYROLL_FLAG, authzadm_pkg.remove_special_chars(oc.CENTER_CODE) center_code, authzadm_pkg.remove_special_chars(oc.CENTER_NAME) center_name, /* if the parent is in the same center, dont list it, only list it if the parent is in a different center */ (select authzadm_pkg.remove_special_chars(oc.CENTER_CODE) from diradmin.dir_org_codes oc2 where oc.PARENT_ORG_CODE = oc2.ORGANIZATION_CODE and oc.CENTER_CODE != oc2.CENTER_CODE ) as center_code_assign from diradmin.dir_org_codes oc where oc.ENABLED = 'Y' and oc.organization_code not in ( 'DEAD', 'BUD5', 'RADA', 'T', 'CAOP') and oc.PARENT_ORG_CODE not in ( 'DEAD', 'BUD5', 'RADA', 'T', 'CAOP') and oc.description is not null
This shows the following data (2200 rows)
ORG_NAME ORG_DISPLAY_NAME ORG_DESCRIPTION PARENT_ID PAYROLL_FLAG CENTER_CODE CENTER_NAME 78YY ACP Other Parent ACP Other Parent 78XX N 78 Audit Compliance and Privacy 9985 AG-Center for School Study Councils AG-Center for School Study Councils AG32 N 99 External Organizations (Agency Funds) 4602 AG-Institute on Aging AG-Institute on Aging IAGE Y 40 School of Medicine IAGE AG-Institute on Aging Parent AG-Institute on Aging Parent SOMI N 40 School of Medicine
- Here is the view which assigns people to orgs. This view makes sure the person has at least one active job in that org (doesnt have to be the primary job)
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_ASSIGN_V (ORG_CODE, PENN_ID) AS Select distinct p.job_org_code org_code, a.v_penn_id penn_id from comadmin.ssn4_affiliation_view a, comadmin.pennpay_appointment_v p Where a.v_penn_id = p.penn_id And a.v_source = 'PENNPAY' and a.V_ACTIVE_CODE = 'A' and p.JOB_ACTIVE_CODE = 'A'
* This will give the following data (cleansed). The penn_id is the subject_id of the person
ORG_CODE PENN_ID 0007 12345678 8105 12345679
* Now configure the Add the hook, and the org management section
##################################### ## org management ##################################### # if the orgs table(s) should be included in the DDL (includes the hierarchical table orgs.includePocOrgsTablesInDdl = true # loader connection of the database where orgs are (grouper means the grouper db in orgs.databaseName = grouper #table name of the org table (can prefix by schema name if you like) orgs.orgTableName = org_list_v #column names of this table orgs.orgIdCol = org_name orgs.orgNameCol = org_name orgs.orgDisplayNameCol = org_display_name orgs.orgParentIdCol = parent_id #stem where the orgs are, e.g. poc:orgs orgs.parentStemName = penn:community:employee:org #org config name orgs.configGroupName = penn:community:employee:orgConfig
* Add the tables:
[appadmin@lorenzo bin]$ ./ -registry -check Using GROUPER_HOME: /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/bin/.. Using GROUPER_CONF: /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/bin/../classes Using JAVA: /opt/appserv/java5/bin/java using MEMORY: 64m-512m Grouper starting up: version: 1.4.2, build date: 2009/05/19 16:13:03, env: PROD read from: /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/classes/ Grouper current directory is: /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/bin read from: /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/classes/ Grouper is logging to file: /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/logs/fastGrouper/grouper_error.log, at min level WARN for package: edu.internet2.middleware.grouper, based on /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/classes/ schema@jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbserver.whatever.whatever:1521:sid sources.xml read from: /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/classes/sources.xml sources.xml jdbc source id: pennperson: GrouperJdbcConnectionProvider sources.xml groupersource id: g:gsa sources.xml jdbc source id: servPrinc: GrouperJdbcConnectionProvider (note, might need to type in your response multiple times (Java stdin is flaky)) (note, you can allow and deny db urls and users in the Are you sure you want to schemaexport all tables (dropThenCreate=F,writeAndRunScript=F) in db user 'schema', db url 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbserver.whatever.whatever:1521:sid'? (y|n): y Continuing... Grouper ddl object type 'GrouperOrg' has dbVersion: 0 and java version: 1 Grouper database schema DDL requires updates (should run script manually and carefully, in sections, verify data before drop statements, backup/export important data before starting, follow change log on confluence, dont run exact same script in multiple envs - generate a new one for each env), script file is: /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/ddlScripts/grouperDdl_20090519_16_44_25_124.sql Note: this script was not executed due to option passed in To run script via gsh, carefully review it, then run this: gsh -registry -runsqlfile /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/ddlScripts/grouperDdl_20090519_16_44_25_124.sql
* Now I will carefully inspect and run the sql file, which adds the hierarchy tables in grouper (grouperorg tables and view)
[appadmin@lorenzo bin]$ ./ -registry -runsqlfile /opt/appserv/tomcat_3c/webapps/fastGrouperProdDaemon/WEB-INF/ddlScripts/grouperDdl_20090519_16_44_25_124.sql
* Make a view about the person org metadata
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_LOADER_PERSON_META_V (GROUP_NAME, group_display_name, readers, viewers, org_id) AS select distinct gh.ORG_HIERARCHICAL_STEM || ':' || gh.ORG_ID || '_personorg' as group_name, gh.ORG_HIERARCHICAL_STEM || ' - ' || olv.ORG_DISPLAY_NAME || ':' || gh.ORG_ID || ' - ' || olv.ORG_DISPLAY_NAME as group_display_name, 'penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders' as readers, 'penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers' as viewers, gh.org_id as org_id from grouperorgs_hierarchical gh, org_list_v olv where gh.ORG_ID = olv.ORG_NAME and olv.PAYROLL_FLAG = 'Y' order by 2
* This data looks like this
GROUP_NAME GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME READERS VIEWERS ORG_ID penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:21XX:2100:2100_personorg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:21XX:2100 - Health System:2100 - Health System penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 2100 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:21XX:2101:2101_personorg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:21XX:2101 - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania:2101 - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 2101 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:9931:9931_personorg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:9931 - Organic Letters Journal:9931 - Organic Letters Journal penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 9131 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:9979:9979_personorg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:9979 - American Academy of Political and Social Science:9979 - American Academy of Political and Social Science penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 9979 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG87:9940:9940_personorg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG87:9940 - Hillel Foundation:9940 - Hillel Foundation penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 9940
* Penn has two types of orgs: orgs that hold people, and orgs that dont. So I will create them separately, here is a view of orgs that hold people, that the loader will use. Note: these will not be include/exclude since we only need that on the higher level groups (rollups). Note, each group here should end in _personorg so we can know which groups are managed by this loader process.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_LOADER_PERSON_V (GROUP_NAME, SUBJECT_ID) AS select distinct olpmv.GROUP_NAME , oav.PENN_ID as subject_id from ORG_LOADER_PERSON_META_V olpmv, org_assign_v oav where olpmv.org_id = oav.ORG_CODE
Add the config group. Note, there are no org members yet (1=0), so I can inspect the grouperorgs_hierarchical table
[appadmin@lorenzo bin]$ ./ Type help() for instructions gsh 0% GSH_DEBUG=true true gsh 1% grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GrouperSession: 9702ff7015a84c019ae58ce6ae950115,'GrouperSystem','application' gsh 2% stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "penn:community:employee"); stem: name='penn:community:employee' displayName='penn:community:employee' uuid='3cb63130-03e1-4b60-8f01-1454ee3c9588' gsh 4% group = addGroup("penn:community:employee", "orgConfig", "orgConfig"); group: name='penn:community:employee:orgConfig' displayName='penn:community:employee:orgConfig' uuid='f36a72d38053405d997ee8fc6eb66ff4' gsh 5% groupAddType("penn:community:employee:orgConfig", "grouperLoader"); true gsh 6% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgConfig", "grouperLoaderDbName", "grouper"); true gsh 7% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgConfig", "grouperLoaderQuartzCron", "0 46 6 * * ? "); true gsh 8% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgConfig", "grouperLoaderQuery", "select group_name, subject_id from org_loader_person_v where 1=0"); true gsh 9% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgConfig", "grouperLoaderScheduleType", "CRON"); true gsh 10% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgConfig", "grouperLoaderType", "SQL_GROUP_LIST"); true
* Run the job
[appadmin@lorenzo bin]$ ./ Type help() for instructions gsh 0% grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GrouperSession: 6e1432f7de314aeca2f927f939f1a5be,'GrouperSystem','application' gsh 1% group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "penn:community:employee:orgConfig"); group: name='penn:community:employee:orgConfig' displayName='penn:community:employee:orgConfig' uuid='f36a72d38053405d997ee8fc6eb66ff4' gsh 2% loaderRunOneJob(group); loader ran successfully, inserted 0 memberships, deleted 0 memberships, total membership count: 0
* Inspect the grouperorgs_hierarchy table. Note, there were some problems, so we adding the function to strip bad chars and trim the data... also adjust the org_loader_person_v (so the names and everything are ok). Here is what the org_loader_person_v looks like (person data scrubbed)
GROUP_NAME SUBJECT_ID penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:51XX:DPDN:5188:5188_personorg 12345678 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USTU:85XX:CRSC:ASPP:8508:8508_personorg 12345679 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:36XX:APPC:3604:3604_personorg 12345680 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:02XX:GRAD:GRAO:0315:0315_personorg 12345681
* Add the group query, and fix the member query (take out 1=0)
gsh 5% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgConfig", "grouperLoaderQuery", "select group_name, subject_id from org_loader_person_v"); true gsh 6% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupQuery", "select olpmv.GROUP_NAME as group_name, olpmv.GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME as group_display_name, olpmv.READERS, olpmv.VIEWERS, olpmv.ORG_ID from ORG_LOADER_PERSON_META_V olpmv"); true gsh 7% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupsLike", "penn:community:employee:org:%_personorg"); true gsh 8% loaderRunOneJob(group);
- This created 736 org groups with 33k members
Rollup orgs
Now we need a meta view which has information about the rollup group: note the top two levels are filtered out
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_LOADER_ROLLUP_META_V (GROUP_NAME, GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME, GROUP_DESCRIPTION, READERS, VIEWERS, ORG_ID, GROUP_OVERALL_NAME, PARENT_ID) AS select distinct gh.ORG_HIERARCHICAL_STEM || ':' || gh.ORG_ID || '_rolluporg_systemOfRecord' as group_name, gh.ORG_HIERARCHICAL_STEM || ' - ' || olv.ORG_DISPLAY_NAME || ':' || gh.ORG_ID || ' - ' || olv.ORG_DISPLAY_NAME || ' system of record' as group_display_name, gh.ORG_HIER_ALL_SOR_DESCRIPTION as group_description, 'penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders' as readers, 'penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers' as viewers, gh.org_id as org_id, gh.ORG_HIERARCHICAL_STEM || ':' || gh.ORG_ID || '_rolluporg' as group_overall_name, olv.PARENT_ID from grouperorgs_hierarchical gh, org_list_v olv where gh.ORG_ID = olv.ORG_NAME and gh.ORG_HIER_ALL_NAME is not null and olv.PAYROLL_FLAG = 'N' and olv.ORG_NAME not in ('TOPU', 'UNIV', 'NOTU') order by 2
* This has data which looks like this:
GROUP_NAME GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME GROUP_DESCRIPTION READERS VIEWERS ORG_ID GROUP_OVERALL_NAME penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:HCAG_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG - Health Care and Agencies:HCAG - Health Care and Agencies system of record Members of HCAG and all groups underneath the hierarchy penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers HCAG penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:HCAG_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:21XX:21XX_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:21XX - University of Pennsylvania Health System:21XX - University of Pennsylvania Health System system of record Members of 21XX and all groups underneath the hierarchy penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 21XX penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:21XX:21XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:99XX_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX - External Organizations Parent:99XX - External Organizations Parent system of record Members of 99XX and all groups underneath the hierarchy penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 99XX penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:99XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:AG02_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02 - Agencies for SAS:AG02 - Agencies for SAS system of record Members of AG02 and all groups underneath the hierarchy penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers AG02 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:AG02 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG04:AG04_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG04 - Agencies for Provost Interdisciplinary Center:AG04 - Agencies for Provost Interdisciplinary Center system of record Members of AG04 and all groups underneath the hierarchy penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers AG04 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG04:AG04 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG06:AG06_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG06 - Agencies for School of Nursing:AG06 - Agencies for School of Nursing system of record Members of AG06 and all groups underneath the hierarchy penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers AG06 penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG06:AG06
Now the rollups, make a view which assigns the rollup. Note this is based on the meta view, so it only includes groups in the meta view
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_LOADER_ROLLUP_V (GROUP_NAME, MEMBER_GROUP_NAME) AS (select distinct rollup_parent.GROUP_NAME as group_name, /* records which are rollups directly under the rollup */ rollup_child.GROUP_OVERALL_NAME as subject_identifier from ORG_LOADER_ROLLUP_META_V rollup_parent, ORG_LOADER_ROLLUP_META_V rollup_child where rollup_child.PARENT_ID = rollup_parent.ORG_ID) union /* payroll orgs (which hold people) directly under the rollup */ (select distinct rollup_parent.GROUP_NAME , gh_member.ORG_HIERARCHICAL_STEM || ':' || gh_member.ORG_ID || '_personorg' as subject_identifier from grouperorgs_hierarchical gh_member, ORG_LOADER_ROLLUP_META_V rollup_parent, org_list_v olv_child where olv_child.PARENT_ID = rollup_parent.org_id and olv_child.ORG_NAME = gh_member.org_id and olv_child.PAYROLL_FLAG = 'Y' )
* The data for this view looks like this
GROUP_NAME MEMBER_GROUP_NAME penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:AG02_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:9938:9938_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:AG02_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG02:9979:9979_personorg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG04:AG04_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG04:9992:9992_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG06:AG06_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG06:9907:9907_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:AG07_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:9902:9902_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:AG07_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:9911:9911_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:AG07_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:9912:9912_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:AG07_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:9913:9913_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:AG07_rolluporg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG07:9914:9914_rolluporg
Use the rollup view, join to group id's
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_LOADER_ROLLUP2_V (GROUP_NAME, SUBJECT_ID, SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID, subject_group_name) AS select olrv.GROUP_NAME group_name, ga.GROUP_ID as subject_id, 'g:gsa' as SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID, olrv.MEMBER_GROUP_NAME subject_group_name from org_loader_rollup_v olrv, grouper_attributes ga, grouper_fields gf where gf.NAME = 'name' AND gf.ID = ga.field_id and ga.VALUE = olrv.MEMBER_GROUP_NAME
* The data from this view looks like
GROUP_NAME SUBJECT_ID SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID SUBJECT_GROUP_NAME penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:UADM_rolluporg_systemOfRecord e5c4834ca09e45f8b635422cc1b6d4c1 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:88XX:88XX_personorg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:99XX_rolluporg_systemOfRecord 0dd6217005be4b2996574fbcac0c1eec g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG13:AG13_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:99XX_rolluporg_systemOfRecord a2af451090644ed4b1d1d0ed57adf5d4 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG98:AG98_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:UADM_rolluporg_systemOfRecord 2fca9dbef7144c198b50bf48163d4cd4 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:90XX:90XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:90XX:90XX_rolluporg_systemOfRecord 68e1396ccda643aa8357926de4a0f700 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:90XX:ALUM:ALUM_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:99XX_rolluporg_systemOfRecord 5a13844e363c4e6fbbc95015969b81c1 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG24:AG24_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:99XX_rolluporg_systemOfRecord 3ad2e77634c3426c8a2e6e4777f7a350 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:AG26:AG26_rolluporg penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:TOPU_rolluporg_systemOfRecord 25d090972daa47b690b30eb8a9220de5 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UNIV_rolluporg
* Create the config group for the rollups, and execute the loader job
gsh 4% rollupGroup = addGroup("penn:community:employee", "orgRollupConfig", "orgRollupConfig"); group: name='penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig' displayName='penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig' uuid='8b329babf720413d81f5004fb3729c02' gsh 6% groupAddType("penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig", "grouperLoader"); true gsh 7% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderDbName", "grouper"); true gsh 8% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderQuartzCron", "0 06 7 * * ? "); true gsh 9% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderQuery", "select GROUP_NAME, SUBJECT_ID, SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID from ORG_LOADER_ROLLUP2_V"); true gsh 10% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderScheduleType", "CRON"); true gsh 12% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderType", "SQL_GROUP_LIST"); true gsh 13% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupQuery", "select group_name, group_display_name, group_description, readers, viewers from org_loader_rollup_meta_v"); true gsh 14% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupsLike", "penn:community:employee:org:%_rolluporg_systemOfRecord"); true gsh 15% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupTypes", "addIncludeExclude"); true gsh 18% rollupGroup = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig"); group: name='penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig' displayName='penn:community:employee:orgRollupConfig' uuid='8b329babf720413d81f5004fb3729c02' gsh 19% loaderRunOneJob(rollupGroup);
- There are 1461 rollup orgs, 407k memberships. Here is a screen of the rollups orgs
- Here are the immediate members of a rollup org (immediate rollups underneath, or person orgs if directly underneath)
- Here are all members in a rollup group
Centers (can be high level orgs or across the hierarchy)
- Create a view of the list of centers
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_CENTER_LIST_V (CENTER_CODE, CENTER_NAME) AS select distinct olv.CENTER_CODE, olv.CENTER_NAME from org_list_v olv where center_code is not null
- This data looks like
CENTER_CODE CENTER_NAME 26 University Museum 90 Development and Alumni Relations 87 Division of Finance 99 External Organizations Agency Funds 91 Information Systems and Computing
- Make a meta view aboup all the "center" groups
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_CENTER_META_V (GROUP_OVERALL_NAME, GROUP_NAME, GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME, GROUP_DESCRIPTION, READERS, VIEWERS, CENTER_CODE, CENTER_NAME) AS select 'penn:community:employee:center:' || oclv.CENTER_CODE || '_center:' || oclv.CENTER_CODE || '_center' as group_overall_name, 'penn:community:employee:center:' || oclv.CENTER_CODE || '_center:' || oclv.CENTER_CODE || '_center_systemOfRecord' as group_name, 'penn:community:employee:center:' || oclv.CENTER_CODE || ' center ' || oclv.CENTER_NAME || ':' || oclv.CENTER_CODE || ' center ' || oclv.CENTER_NAME || ' system of record' as group_display_name, 'Center ' || oclv.CENTER_CODE || ' ' || oclv.CENTER_NAME || ' is a rollup of orgs and their includes/excludes' as group_description, 'penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders' as readers, 'penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers' as viewers, center_code, center_name from org_center_list_v oclv
- This data looks like this
GROUP_OVERALL_NAME GROUP_NAME GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME GROUP_DESCRIPTION READERS VIEWERS CENTER_CODE CENTER_NAME penn:community:employee:center:26_center:26_center penn:community:employee:center:26_center:26_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:center:26 center University Museum:26 center University Museum system of record Center 26 University Museum is a rollup of orgs and their includes/excludes penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 26 University Museum penn:community:employee:center:90_center:90_center penn:community:employee:center:90_center:90_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:center:90 center Development and Alumni Relations:90 center Development and Alumni Relations system of record Center 90 Development and Alumni Relations is a rollup of orgs and their includes/excludes penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 90 Development and Alumni Relations penn:community:employee:center:87_center:87_center penn:community:employee:center:87_center:87_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:center:87 center Division of Finance:87 center Division of Finance system of record Center 87 Division of Finance is a rollup of orgs and their includes/excludes penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 87 Division of Finance penn:community:employee:center:99_center:99_center penn:community:employee:center:99_center:99_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:center:99 center External Organizations Agency Funds:99 center External Organizations Agency Funds system of record Center 99 External Organizations Agency Funds is a rollup of orgs and their includes/excludes penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 99 External Organizations Agency Funds penn:community:employee:center:91_center:91_center penn:community:employee:center:91_center:91_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:center:91 center Information Systems and Computing:91 center Information Systems and Computing system of record Center 91 Information Systems and Computing is a rollup of orgs and their includes/excludes penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 91 Information Systems and Computing penn:community:employee:center:79_center:79_center penn:community:employee:center:79_center:79_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:center:79 center Division of Public Safety:79 center Division of Public Safety system of record Center 79 Division of Public Safety is a rollup of orgs and their includes/excludes penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers 79 Division of Public Safety
- Make a view of which children (org nodes) are in each center (direct children not grandchildren which will be effective members anyways)
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_CENTER_ROLLUP_V (GROUP_NAME, MEMBER_GROUP_NAME) AS (select distinct ocmv.GROUP_NAME as group_name, /\* records which are rollups directly under the rollup \*/ rollup_child.GROUP_OVERALL_NAME as subject_identifier from org_center_meta_v ocmv, ORG_LOADER_ROLLUP_META_V rollup_child, org_list_v olv_child where olv_child.CENTER_CODE_ASSIGN = ocmv.CENTER_CODE and olv_child.ORG_NAME = rollup_child.ORG_ID ) union all /\* payroll orgs (which hold people) directly under the rollup \*/ (select distinct ocmv.GROUP_NAME , olpmv.GROUP_NAME as subject_identifier from org_center_meta_v ocmv, org_list_v olv_child, org_loader_person_meta_v olpmv where olv_child.CENTER_CODE_ASSIGN = ocmv.CENTER_CODE and olv_child.ORG_NAME = olpmv.ORG_ID)
- This data looks like this
GROUP_NAME MEMBER_GROUP_NAME penn:community:employee:center:86_center:86_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USTU:86XX:86XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:center:98_center:98_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:98XX:98XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:center:32_center:32_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:32XX:32XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:center:02_center:02_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:02XX:WLNT:PSYC:0120:0120_personorg penn:community:employee:center:02_center:02_center_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:02XX:DRLB:PHYS:0118:0118_personorg
- Join this with the grouper registry to get the group ids
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_CENTER_ROLLUP2_V (GROUP_NAME, SUBJECT_ID, SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID, SUBJECT_GROUP_NAME) AS select ocrv.GROUP_NAME group_name, ga.GROUP_ID as subject_id, 'g:gsa' as SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID, ocrv.MEMBER_GROUP_NAME subject_group_name from org_center_rollup_v ocrv, grouper_attributes ga, grouper_fields gf where gf.NAME = 'name' AND gf.ID = ga.field_id and ga.VALUE = ocrv.MEMBER_GROUP_NAME
- This data looks like this
GROUP_NAME SUBJECT_ID SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID SUBJECT_GROUP_NAME penn:community:employee:center:98_center:98_center_systemOfRecord 7121d78fafc3405a97adf76e48ae3390 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:98XX:98XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:center:86_center:86_center_systemOfRecord 29a0985125aa4943933a011bad47d2e2 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USTU:86XX:86XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:center:99_center:99_center_systemOfRecord f7a98c679d674711aa272fbeda85cd79 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:NOTU:HCAG:99XX:99XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:center:32_center:32_center_systemOfRecord 196282f7423e4a9ba2fd0f990ae4e067 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:32XX:32XX_rolluporg penn:community:employee:center:02_center:02_center_systemOfRecord a3344e870adf4c408e88ceac40d9e595 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:02XX:WLNT:PSYC:0120:0120_personorg penn:community:employee:center:02_center:02_center_systemOfRecord 873b1c843bfa4a198e26ffa75707cb85 g:gsa penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:02XX:DRLB:PHYS:0118:0118_personorg
- Add this config group
gsh 4% centerGroup = addGroup("penn:community:employee", "centerRollupConfig", "centerRollupConfig"); group: name='penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig' displayName='penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig' uuid='8b329babf720413d81f5004fb3729c02' gsh 6% groupAddType("penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig", "grouperLoader"); true gsh 7% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderDbName", "grouper"); true gsh 8% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderQuartzCron", "0 36 7 * * ? "); true gsh 9% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderQuery", "select GROUP_NAME, SUBJECT_ID, SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID from ORG_CENTER_ROLLUP2_V"); true gsh 10% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderScheduleType", "CRON"); true gsh 12% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderType", "SQL_GROUP_LIST"); true gsh 13% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupQuery", "select group_name, group_display_name, group_description, readers, viewers from org_center_meta_v"); true gsh 14% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupsLike", "penn:community:employee:center:%_center_systemOfRecord"); true gsh 15% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupTypes", "addIncludeExclude"); true gsh 18% centerGroup = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig"); group: name='penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig' displayName='penn:community:employee:centerRollupConfig' uuid='8b329babf720413d81f5004fb3729c02' gsh 19% loaderRunOneJob(centerGroup);
- This created 41 centers, with 91k membership. Here are the centers
- Here is a look at one center
- Here are the immediate members of a system of record group of a center
- Here are all members of a center
Contractors and one-offs
We dont have groupings of contractors in our payroll system, but we can set a flag in "Penn Community" our person database. So lets organize a way to automatically make groups based on flags. Lets make a table which identifies the flags we are looking for, and which group extension
* Currently we only have one row
* Lets make the meta view that describes the groups managed by this loader
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_SPONSOR_META_V (GROUP_NAME, GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME, GROUP_DESCRIPTION, READERS, VIEWERS, GROUP_OVERALL_NAME, GROUP_EXTENSION) AS select 'penn:community:employee:sponsororg:' || osg.GROUP_EXTENSION || '_sponsororg:' || osg.GROUP_EXTENSION || '_sponsororg_systemOfRecord' as group_name, 'penn:community:employee:sponsororg:' || osg.GROUP_EXTENSION || '_sponsororg:' || osg.GROUP_EXTENSION || '_sponsororg system of record' as group_display_name, 'people in penn community with a substring of ' || osg.LIKE_STRING_UPPER || ' in their sponsor_org field somewhere' as group_description, 'penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders' as readers, 'penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers' as viewers, 'penn:community:employee:sponsororg:' || osg.GROUP_EXTENSION || '_sponsororg:' || osg.GROUP_EXTENSION || '_sponsororg' as group_overall_name, osg.GROUP_EXTENSION from org_sponsor_group osg
* The data from that view looks like this
GROUP_NAME GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME GROUP_DESCRIPTION READERS VIEWERS GROUP_OVERALL_NAME GROUP_EXTENSION penn:community:employee:sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg_systemOfRecord penn:community:employee:sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg system of record people in penn community with a substring of 96XX in their sponsor_org field somewhere penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgReaders penn:community:employee:orgSecurity:orgViewers penn:community:employee:sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg 96XX_consultants
* Make an assignment view which links up people with their one-off group
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ORG_SPONSOR_LIST_V (GROUP_NAME, SUBJECT_ID) AS (Select distinct osmv.GROUP_NAME as group_name, sav.v_penn_id as subject_id from ORG_SPONSOR_group osg, comadmin.ssn4_affiliation_view sav, ORG_SPONSOR_META_V osmv Where sav.v_active_code = 'A' and upper(sav.v_sponsor_org) like '%' || osg.LIKE_STRING_UPPER || '%' and osmv.GROUP_EXTENSION = osg.GROUP_EXTENSION)
* The data from that view looks like this
GROUP_NAME SUBJECT_ID penn:community:employee:sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg_systemOfRecord 10128438 penn:community:employee:sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg_systemOfRecord 68214103 penn:community:employee:sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg_systemOfRecord 10135159 penn:community:employee:sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg:96XX_consultants_sponsororg_systemOfRecord 10114304
* Create the config group, and run the loader
gsh 4% sponsorGroup = addGroup("penn:community:employee", "orgSponsorConfig", "orgSponsorConfig"); group: name='penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig' displayName='penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig' uuid='8b329babf720413d81f5004fb3729c02' gsh 6% groupAddType("penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig", "grouperLoader"); true gsh 7% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig", "grouperLoaderDbName", "grouper"); true gsh 8% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig", "grouperLoaderQuartzCron", "0 16 7 * * ? "); true gsh 9% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig", "grouperLoaderQuery", "select GROUP_NAME, SUBJECT_ID from ORG_SPONSOR_LIST_V"); true gsh 10% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig", "grouperLoaderScheduleType", "CRON"); true gsh 12% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig", "grouperLoaderType", "SQL_GROUP_LIST"); true gsh 13% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupQuery", "select group_name, group_display_name, group_description, readers, viewers from org_sponsor_meta_v"); true gsh 14% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupsLike", "penn:community:employee:sponsororg:%_sponsororg_systemOfRecord"); true gsh 15% setGroupAttr("penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig", "grouperLoaderGroupTypes", "addIncludeExclude"); true gsh 18% sponsorGroup = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig"); group: name='penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig' displayName='penn:community:employee:orgSponsorConfig' uuid='8b329babf720413d81f5004fb3729c02' gsh 19% loaderRunOneJob(sponsorGroup);
- Here is an attribute based (sponsor) group
- Here are the members of an attribute based sponsor group
Putting it all together
We need a group for all employees in Facilities and Real Estate Services. We need to add the VP (who is not in the Facilities org), and we need to add the contractors. I will add this in the org structure, so people can easily find it.
- Add the VP to the includes list of the org. Note, this means that for all purposes, additions are considered part of the org, and part of the center (since the org is part of the center)
- Now make a group which has the org group, and the consultants
- Here are the two members
- Here are all members
Protect a web resource in apache by requiring members to be in this group (note: authnz_ldap apache module grabs all members of the group unless a patch is applied that Penn developed which is not yet public)
<Directory "[directory]"> CosignProtected on AuthType Cosign CosignRequireFactor UPENN.EDU AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer on AuthLDAPBindPassword [password] AuthLDAPBindDN uid=[service principal],ou=entities,dc=upenn,dc=edu AuthLDAPLimitAttribute cn # custom attribute via local patch AuthLDAPURL ldaps://url.ldap.private/cn=penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:96XX:96XX_andConsultants,ou=groups,dc=upenn,dc=edu?hasMember require ldap-dn cn=penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:UADM:96XX:96XX_andConsultants,ou=groups,dc=upenn,dc=edu </Directory>