The Grouper custom template via GSH is in Grouper 2.5.43+
- Grouper custom templates via GSH - converting an existing GSH script - insert a row in table
- Grouper custom template via GSH analyze groups for orgs
- Grouper custom template via GSH analyze people
- Grouper custom template via GSH custom policy group example V1
- Grouper custom template via GSH custom policy group example V2
- Grouper custom template via GSH delegated VPN management
- Grouper custom template via GSH departmental Grouper onboarding
- Grouper custom template via GSH impersonate delete example
- Grouper custom template via GSH impersonate example
- Grouper custom template via GSH impersonate testing helper
- Grouper custom template via GSH inherited privileges WS example
- Grouper custom template via GSH Internet2 example
- Grouper custom template via GSH invoked by daemon - load group attributes
- Grouper custom template via GSH - loader import / export
- Grouper custom template via GSH manage credential SQL subject source
- Grouper custom template via GSH onboarding org example
- Grouper custom template via GSH - provisionable groups
- Grouper custom template via GSH - provisionable groups member of
- Grouper custom template via GSH report compare Banner security envs
- Grouper custom template via GSH role mapper
- Grouper custom template via GSH testing the Grouper health
- Grouper custom template via GSH used by daemon for CSV report
- Grouper custom template via GSH user membership history
- Grouper custom template via GSH - V2
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts - V1 - arbitrary inputs map
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts - V1 - basic
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts - V1 - bean inputs
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts - V1 - json inputs / outputs
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts - V2 - arbitrary inputs
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts - V2 - basic
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts - V2 - bean inputs
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts - V2 - bean inputs with test
- Grouper custom template via GSH web service membership counts - V2 - json inputs
- Grouper custom template via GSH zoom deprovisioning
- Grouper GSH template security
- Grouper GSH template simplified UI
- Grouper programmatic JSON
Custom templates via GSH are a function of Grouper that evolves the idea of an Access Management Platform. You can make a UI screen or a web service call that is completely custom. The inputs are dynamic, flexible, and have built-in validations. The GSH script to process those inputs has full control of Grouper or Java. There is security around who can run the template, and the user they run-as. There are easy-to-use APIs to perform a list of actions.
Custom templates via GSH are good for:
- Performing actions that are not available in the UI
- check LDAP to see if provisioning happened, for example
- make an ad hoc report and send it to the user
- add/remove a service principal to a subject source table
- Automating multiple tasks into one
- Creating a custom access management interface for a user to simplify actions
- e.g. to add a user to a VPN instance, you need to remove an exclude if there, and if not in the automatic population and an employee, add them to the VPN employee group, otherwise guest group. All can be automated
- Create a Web Service call that does not exist in Grouper
- Reduce time to perform tasks
- Reduce Help Desk Tickets
- The sky is the limit
Reminder: "Custom UI" and "Custom Template via GSH" are two different features in Grouper.
Use a Custom UI when you want an end-user facing UI where the end user can:
- See their status and why (e.g. they might need a training or a different affiliation)
- Can (optionally) enroll or unenroll easily into a service
- Redirect based on certain conditions to other services
- You don't want the end user to see the full Grouper UI
Use Grouper Custom Templates via GSH (the info on this page):
- For people who use the Grouper UI
- Can have custom inputs
- Logic can use the input values and performance queries or tasks
- Automate multiple tasks in one operation
- Can expose via web service
Best practices
- If you get errors with dollar signs in strings use this
Script2.groovy: 603: illegal string body character after dollar sign; solution: either escape a literal dollar sign "\$5" or bracket the value expression "${5}" FROM: "$whatever" TO: '$' + "whatever"
- You cannot line wrap unless you put an operator at end of line
No signature of method: java.lang.String.positive() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] FROM: String something = "" + "hey"; TO: String something = "" + "hey";
There is a wizard in the UI. These are the configs that the wizard controls
config id suffix | value example | description | notes |
enabled | true | false | if this template is enabled | if false, do not show it in menu on folders or allow it to run |
templateVersion | V1 | V2 | V1 is the legacy version, the script is in the gshTemplate V2 is the newer way where you extend a class and can include tests | |
showOnGroups | true | false | if this template option is available on groups | default false (TODO as of 2.5.36) |
groupShowType | certainGroup, groupsInFolder, allGroups | is this supposed to show for one group, groups in a certain folder, or allGroups | required, show if showOnGroups=true (TODO as of 2.5.36) |
groupUuidToShow | xyz321 | which group to show the template on. could be uuid or name. | required, show if groupShowType=certainGroup |
groupShowOnDescendants | oneChildLevel, descendants | oneChildLevel: only show on groups directly in folder | required, show if groupShowType = groupsInfolder |
showOnFolders | true | false | if this template option is available on folders | default false |
folderShowType | certainFolder, allFolders | where should this template be available | drop down, required, show if showOnFolders = true |
folderUuidToShow | abc123 | uuid or name of folder to show this template | eventually we can have a folder combobox, currently textfield. show if folderShowType = 'specifiedFolder' or groupShowType = 'groupsInFolder'. Required |
folderShowOnDescendants | certainFolder, oneChildLevel, certainFolderAndOneChildLevel, descendants, certainFolderAndDescendants | certainFolder: just show on one folder oneChildLevel, only show on child level under folder certainFolderAndOneChildLevel, show the folder and one level of children descendants: show all folders under the folder certainFolderAndDescendants: show folder and all descendants | if folderShowType = 'specifiedFolder'. Required |
runButtonGroupOrFolder | group | folder | If you want a run button on the GSH template page, this will allow configuration of a default group or folder | |
defaultRunButtonGroupUuidOrName | a:b:c | Default group name or uuid for the run now button | |
defaultRunButtonFolderUuidOrName | a:b:c | Default folder name or uuid for the run now button | |
securityRunType | wheel | specifiedGroup | privilegeOnObject | everyone | who can run this template. Only GrouperSystem / wheel group, or specify a group. If privilegeOnObject, then check to see if user has certain privileges on the object where the template was invoked from. | drop down, Required |
groupUuidCanRun | def456 | uuid or name of group that can run this template. | eventually we can have a group combobox, currently textfield. Show if securityRunType = 'specifiedGroup'. Required |
requireFolderPrivilege | admin, create, stemAttrRead, stemAttrUpdate | If running this template requires any of these privs on the folder it is run on | show if showOnFolders = true. required if securityRunType = 'privilegeOnObject' |
requireGroupPrivilege | admin, read, update, read_and_update, optin, optout, view, groupAttrRead, groupAttrUpdate | the option to run the template will only show if the user has this privilege on the group at least (e.g. if the user has ADMIN they can READ) | show if showOnGroups = true. |
runAsType | currentUser | GrouperSystem| specifiedSubject | select the type of user to run as. "currentUser" means run as the user using the UI. "GrouperSystem" means run as root user, "specifiedSubject" means you can pick a subject to run as (not common). | drop down. Required |
runAsSpecifiedSubjectSourceId | pennperson | select the source ID of the specified subject to run as | drop down (subject source picker). Required |
runAsSpecifiedSubjectId | 12345678 | subject id of the specified subject to run as | eventually we can have a subject combobox, currently textfield. Required |
templateNameExternalizedTextKey | grouperGshTemplate_<configId>_templateNameExternalizedTextKey | this is hardcoded for each template | this is readonly, not editable, eventually we can have an externalized text editor to edit that from this screen |
templateDescriptionExternalizedTextKey | grouperGshTemplate_<configId>_templateDescriptionExternalizedTextKey | this is hardcoded for each template | this is readonly |
simplifiedUi | true | false | If the UI should not show the normal Grouper menus, to not confuse users who are not familiar with Grouper | |
allowWsFromNoOwner | true | false | if WS can call the template without identifying a stem or group owner | |
gshTemplate | // | this is the GSH template to run | if we can get a textarea that would be good. Should convert from windows or mac newlines to unix newlines on submit. Required |
numberOfInputs | 5 | number of inputs (form elements on ui or in ws) | drop down from 0-50 repeat group. Default value: 0 | | gsh_input_folderName | name of the ui form element, ws param, template variable, | validation: must start with gsh_input_, must be alphanumeric/underscore. Required |
input.i.labelExternalizedTextKey | grouperGshTemplate_<configId>_input_<inputName>_labelExternalizedTextKey | externalized text key of the label on the UI for this input | readonly |
input.i.descriptionExternalizedTextKey | grouperGshTemplate_<configId>_input_<inputName>_descriptionExternalizedTextKey | externalized text key of the label on the UI for this input | readonly |
input.i.type | int | boolean | string | type of the data | drop down with supported types. suggested starting point: int, boolean, string. Default value: string |
input.i.formElementType | textfield, dropdown, checkbox | form element type on UI | show if type is not equal to "boolean" (if boolean its a radio). Default value: textfield. |
input.i.index | 10 | form elements will show on the form in order of "index". DefaultValue is 0. If two elements have the same index then they will show in order of configuration. | textfield |
input.i.validationType | regex | jexl | none | type of validation on the input | required (none is not blank, it is an option) |
input.i.validationRegex | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,50}$ | regex to check the input and if it doesnt match then fail. For example, this is alphanumeric or underscore length between 1 and 50 | show if validationType = 'regex', required |
input.i.validationJexl | ${gsh_input_myField.startsWith('whatever')} | run a validation (and include all variables for cross-validations), return true for valid, and false for invalid | show if validationType = 'jexl', required |
input.i.validationMessageExternalizedTextKey | grouperGshTemplate_<configId>_input_<inputName>_validationMessageExternalizedTextKey | readonly key in externalized text for validation message (e.g. for jexl or regex) | readonly |
input.i.required | true | false | if this input is required for template to run | default value: false |
input.i.defaultValue | abc | default value for the input if none is provided | show if required is false |
input.i.showEl | ${gsh_input_someField = 'something'} for boolean, ${gsh_input_type == "Bulk"} for string value matching. | jexl for if this field should show, note all inputs are available to use as variables | |
numberOfTests | 3 | number of tests to make sure this template functions | drop down from 0-20 repeat group. Default value: 0 |
test.i.deleteSideEffectsIfExistGsh | gsh script | will be run before and after test (first and last) to clean up what the test and setup and verification do. Will not run after test if test fails | textarea |
test.i.setupGsh | gsh script | will be run before test | textarea |
test.i.testGsh | gsh script | call the Java API for the template exec with inputs | textarea, required |
test.i.verifyGsh | gsh script | verify that the test succeeded | textarea |
A grouper admin would configure this in the UI under miscellaneous
Text on screen similar to custom UI
This template could be called via ws REST JSON and pass in the input name/value form elements just like the UI would
Developing GSH templates with java
See this wiki as an example of developing GSH templates with java
Built in variables and inputs
Before the configured GSH script is executed, it will be prefixed with some built in variables, and the inputs from the user (supplied in the UI or less commonly the WS).
Type | Variable | Value |
GshTemplateOutput | gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput | Object that helps print output, notify about validation errors, or identify that an error occurred Do not navigate after running template (or put another link in there) gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.assignRedirectToGrouperOperation("NONE"); |
GshTemplateRuntime | gsh_builtin_gshTemplateRuntime | Internal object that is used to help with other variables |
GrouperSession | gsh_builtin_grouperSession | Session based on who the template is running is (this is configured, recommended to be the user who is running the template) |
Subject | gsh_builtin_subject | Subject who is running the template |
String | gsh_builtin_subjectId | Subject ID of gsh_builtin_subject |
String | gsh_builtin_ownerStemName | Folder name of the folder where the script is run (if stem script, otherwise null) |
String | gsh_builtin_ownerGroupName | Group name for the group where the script was run (if group script, otherwise null) |
String | gsh_input_XXXXXX | String inputs |
Integer | gsh_input_YYYYYYY | Integer inputs |
Boolean | gsh_input_ZZZZZZZ | Boolean inputs |
import*; import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.util.*; GshTemplateOutput gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput = GshTemplateOutput.retrieveGshTemplateOutput(); GshTemplateRuntime gsh_builtin_gshTemplateRuntime = GshTemplateRuntime.retrieveGshTemplateRuntime(); GrouperSession gsh_builtin_grouperSession = gsh_builtin_gshTemplateRuntime.getGrouperSession(); Subject gsh_builtin_subject = gsh_builtin_gshTemplateRuntime.getCurrentSubject(); String gsh_builtin_subjectId = \"subjectSubjectId\"; String gsh_builtin_ownerStemName = \"a:b:c\"; String gsh_input_workingGroupExtension = \"test\"; Integer gsh_input_theSize = 55; Boolean gsh_input_isSympaModerated = false; ... the configured script ...
Check SQL for restricted value
Example of getting an input and checking a sql to see if its restricted
int existingGroupCount = new GcDbAccess().connectionName("grouper").sql("select count(1) from grouper_groups gg where = ?").addBindVar(gsh_input_something).select(int.class); if (existingGroupCount > 0) { gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addValidationLine("gsh_input_something", "Error: group exists"); } // if anything not valid, stop if (GrouperUtil.length(gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.getValidationLines()) > 0) { gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.assignIsError(true); GrouperUtil.gshReturn(); }
Check LDAP for restricted value
Example of getting an input and checking a ldap to see if its restricted
List<String> eduPersonAffiliations = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.ldap.LdapSessionUtils.ldapSession().list( String.class, "personLdap", "ou=People,dc=example,dc=edu", edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.ldap.LdapSearchScope.SUBTREE_SCOPE, "(&(uid=" + GrouperUtil.ldapFilterEscape(gsh_builtin_subject.getId()) + ")(eduPersonAffiliation=" + GrouperUtil.ldapFilterEscape(gsh_input_something) + "))", "eduPersonAffiliation"); if (GrouperUtil.length(eduPersonAffiliations) > 0) { gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addValidationLine("gsh_input_something", "Error: eduPersonAffiliation exists"); } // if anything not valid, stop if (GrouperUtil.length(gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.getValidationLines()) > 0) { gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.assignIsError(true); GrouperUtil.gshReturn(); }
Zoom add school example
grouperGshTemplate.zoom.enabled = true grouperGshTemplate.zoom.showOnFolders = true grouperGshTemplate.zoom.folderShowType = certainFolder grouperGshTemplate.zoom.folderShowOnDescendants = certainFolder grouperGshTemplate.zoom.securityRunType = privilegeOnObject grouperGshTemplate.zoom.requireFolderPrivilege = admin grouperGshTemplate.zoom.runAsType = currentUser grouperGshTemplate.zoom.gshTemplate = GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); String prefix = Character.toUpperCase(gsh_input_orgName.charAt(0)) + gsh_input_orgName.substring(1,gsh_input_orgName.length()); String prefixLower = gsh_input_orgName; Group excludeAdHocGroup = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:service:ref:excludeAdHoc:" + prefixLower + "AdhocExcludeFromZoom").save(); Group excludeLoadedGroup = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:service:ref:loadedGroupsForExclude:" + prefixLower + "ExcludeLoaded").save(); Group excludeGroup = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:service:ref:excludeFromZoom:" + prefixLower + "ExcludeFromZoom").save(); Group excludedFromZoom = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:service:ref:usersExcludedFromZoom", true); excludedFromZoom.addMember(excludeGroup.toSubject(), false); Group schoolLspGroup = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:security:schoolCenterAdminsAndLsps:zoom" + prefix + "Lsps").save(); Group lsps = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:security:zoomSchoolCenterLspsPreCheck", true); lsps.addMember(schoolLspGroup.toSubject(), false); Group schoolAdminGroup = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:security:schoolCenterAdminsAndLsps:zoom" + prefix + "Admins").save(); Group admins = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:security:zoomSchoolCenterAdminsPreCheck", true); admins.addMember(schoolAdminGroup.toSubject(), false); if (gsh_input_addIncludes) { Group loadedGroup= new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:service:ref:loadedGroups:gsh_input_zoomGroupName).save(); Group overrideGroup = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:service:ref:groupsOverride:gsh_input_zoomGroupName).save(); Group groupToGoToZoom = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:service:policy:groupsToGoToZoom:gsh_input_zoomGroupName).save(); Group zoomCanLogIn = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "penn:isc:ait:apps:zoom:service:policy:zoomCanLogIn", true); zoomCanLogIn.addMember(groupToGoToZoom.toSubject(), false); } grouperGshTemplate.zoom.numberOfInputs = 3 = gsh_input_orgName grouperGshTemplate.zoom.input.0.validationType = regex grouperGshTemplate.zoom.input.0.validationRegex = ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{1,49}$ grouperGshTemplate.zoom.input.0.required = true = gsh_input_addIncludes grouperGshTemplate.zoom.input.1.type = boolean grouperGshTemplate.zoom.input.1.defaultValue = false = gsh_input_zoomGroupName grouperGshTemplate.zoom.input.2.showEl = ${gsh_input_addIncludes} grouperGshTemplate.zoom.input.2.required = true grouperGshTemplate.zoom.input.2.validationType = regex grouperGshTemplate.zoom.input.2.validationRegex = ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,50}$
Form elements
Text box: for lower camel case school or center name, e.g. artsAndScience
- Checkbox for "add includes"? (if unchecked only excludes are created)
- Textbox for group name in zoom
grouperGshTemplate_zoom_templateNameExternalizedTextKey = Add zoom school / center grouperGshTemplate_zoom_templateDescriptionExternalizedTextKey = Add an organization to zoom. If it is exclude only then do not select 'Add includes'. grouperGshTemplate_zoom_input_gsh_input_orgName_labelExternalizedTextKey = School or center name grouperGshTemplate_zoom_input_gsh_input_orgName_descriptionExternalizedTextKey = Enter a camel-cased school or center name, starting with lower case letter, can only contain alpha-numeric characters and must be less than 50 chars grouperGshTemplate_zoom_input_gsh_input_orgName_validationMessageExternalizedTextKey = Invalid 'School or center name': must be start with lower case letter, can only contain alpha-numeric characters and must be less than 50 chars grouperGshTemplate_zoom_input_gsh_input_addIncludes_labelExternalizedTextKey = Add 'includes' grouperGshTemplate_zoom_input_gsh_input_addIncludes_descriptionExternalizedTextKey = If this school or center should have a group in Zoom and in "includes" group to sponsor accounts grouperGshTemplate_zoom_input_gsh_input_zoomGroupName_labelExternalizedTextKey = Zoom group name grouperGshTemplate_zoom_input_gsh_input_zoomGroupName_descriptionExternalizedTextKey = Group name in zoom for this population. Must be alphanumeric or underscore and less than 50 chars grouperGshTemplate_zoom_input_gsh_input_zoomGroupName_validationMessageExternalizedTextKey = Invalid 'Zoom group name' must be alphanumeric or underscore and less than 50 chars
Imagine an HTML form that has some inputs and a submit buttonForm
Java API
TODO FIX THIS GshTemplateOutput gshTemplateOutput = new GshTemplateExec() .assignOwnerType(GshTemplateOwnerType.stem) .assignOwnerStemName("a:b:c") .addInput(new GshTemplateInput().assignName("gsh_input_something").assignValueString("hello")) .addInput(new GshTemplateInput().assignName("gsh_input_something2").assignValueString("hello2")) .exec(); System.out.println(gshTemplateOutput.isValid()); System.out.println(gshTemplateOutput.isSuccess()); for (GshOutputLine gshOutputLine : gshTemplateOutput.getOutputLines()) { System.out.println(gshOutputLine.getInputName() + ": " + gshOutputLine.getText()); }
Web service
Template "current user" is the web service "act as" user if it exists, or the authenticating user is not.
These are a PUT method since the templates should be written as idempotent. If you have something that isn't idempotent that's ok, but aim for idempotency. This means if someone calls the same template with same inputs twice the second call should be a NO-OP (do not do anything). You can also use a POST for any call as well.
HTTP code | Grouper result code | Meaning |
200 | SUCCESS | Valid and ran successfully |
400 | INVALID | Invalid didnt run |
500 | EXCEPTION | Threw exception |
There are various ways to call the WS, see this page for the options
######################################### ## ## HTTP request sample (could be formatted for view by ## indenting or changing dates or other data) ## ######################################### POST /grouper-ws/servicesRest/v2_5_000/gshTemplateExec HTTP/1.1 Connection: close Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx== User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1 Host: localhost:8092 Content-Length: 181 Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "WsRestGshTemplateExecRequest":{ "gshTemplateActAsSubjectLookup": { "subjectSourceId":"ldap", "subjectId":"" }, "ownerStemLookup":{ "stemName":"test2" }, "ownerType":"stem", "configId":"testGshTemplateConfig", // new in v4.9.4+ and v5.6.1+. arbitrary input based on the template and its needs // this is marshaled into a Map which can be converted into a Javabean "wsInput": {"gsh_input_prefix":"TEST"} } } ######################################### ## ## HTTP response sample (could be formatted for view by ## indenting or changing dates or other data) ## ######################################### HTTP/1.1 200 Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=1197432C8BE84B39F70438D3EB93E014;path=/grouper-ws/;HttpOnly X-Grouper-resultCode: SUCCESS X-Grouper-success: T X-Grouper-resultCode2: NONE Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 4699 Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2021 02:30:15 GMT Connection: close Server: Apache TomEE { "WsGshTemplateExecResult":{ "gshOutputLines":[ ] , // wsOutput is new in v4.10.0+ and v5.7.0+. arbitrary output based // on the template and its needs (assign a Map or Javabean) "wsOutput": { "totalMembershipCount": 12, "immediateMembershipCount": 10 }, "gshScriptOutput":"", "gshValidationLines":[ ] , "responseMetadata":{ "millis":"20197", "serverVersion":"2.5.0" }, "resultMetadata":{ "resultCode":"SUCCESS", "resultMessage":"Success for: clientVersion: 2.5.0, configId: testGshTemplateConfig, ownerType: stem , inputs: Array size: 1: [0]:\n\n, actAsSubject: null, paramNames: \n, params: null", "success":"T" }, "transaction":true } }